
Korea wins three gold medals in archery at World Cup

Korea archery wins three gold medals in men’s, women’s and mixed team events at World Cup in Paris

South Korea’s recurve archery team swept to three team gold medals at the Hyundai Archery World Cup Paris 2023.

The women’s team of Lim Im-hyun (Korea Gymnastics University), An An (Gwangju Women’s University) and Kang Chae-young (Hyundai Mobis) defeated Chinese Taipei 6-2 (55-56, 58-57, 57-51, 58-54) in the women’s team final on the final day of competition at Parc des Anglais in Paris, France.

In the men’s team final, Kim Woo-jin (Cheongju City Hall), Lee Woo-seok (Kolon), and Kim Jeduk (Yecheon County Hall) swept aside Chinese Taipei 6-0 (59-53, 59-53, 57-56) to top the podium.

In the Mixed Team event, Lim Im-hyun and Lee Woo-seok claimed a second gold medal each after defeating Chinese Taipei 5-3 (39-39, 39-36, 38-39, 39-36) in the final.

The Korean team will continue their quest for five gold medals in the men’s and women’s individual events.

Choi Mi-sun (Gwangju Bank) is in the semifinals of the women’s individual event, while Kim Woo-jin and Lee Woo-seok are in the semifinals of the men’s individual event.

The Recurve team is coming off a disastrous performance at the 2023 World Archery Championships in Berlin earlier this month, 먹튀검증 winning just two gold medals (mixed and men’s team) and failing to qualify in the women’s team and men’s and women’s individual events.

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