
Shin-Soo Choo will retire after the 2024 season

SSG Landers’ Shin-soo Choo, 41, will retire after the 2024 season.

“Shin-soo Choo has decided to retire from professional baseball after the 2024 season,” SSG announced on Thursday.

In a statement, Shin-soo Choo said, “During the off-season, I thought a lot about it with my family, and every time I did, I saw the support of the team and the fans, especially the junior players.

I felt that I loved baseball and the team so much that I thought about my future with the club.”

“I think the time has come for me to put an end to 23 years of playing baseball in the United States and Korea since 2001,” he said, explaining his decision to retire.

“Next year’s performance is important, but I would like to contribute to the team by training with the junior players in the Future Team at any time depending on the team’s situation and sharing my experiences and thoughts,” he added. 카지노

Choo Shin-soo signed a contract with the club for the lowest annual salary (30 million won) for next season, and he will also donate his entire salary.

He will also serve as captain next season at the request of coach Lee Sung-yong. With ESG locked into a salary cap, Shin-soo’s signing of the lowest salary paves the way for the club to actively recruit free agents (FAs).

Out of respect for Shin-soo Choo’s wishes, the team is organizing a variety of fan services as he wraps up his time as an active player.

“We plan to end his career by creating meaningful memories with fans, such as presenting autographed jerseys, special autograph sessions, and supporting amaeba baseball,” said Esuji.

Shin-Soo Choo made his Major League debut in 2005 and played in 1,652 games through 2020, batting .275 with 218 home runs, 782 RBIs and 157 stolen bases.

He joined the KBO in 2021 with the founding of the ESG and has served as a veteran anchor.

In 361 games over three seasons, he batted .260 with 49 home runs and 168 RBIs.

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