
Even if I hate it, legend is legendary… Cha Ki → I give up the penalty of 17.4 billion won

FC Barcelona officially announced on its official website on the 28th (Korea Standard Time) that “Coach Chavi Hernandez will leave the club on June 30 after the end of the season.”

“The club needs big changes. My departure is the best decision I have made for the club and the team,” Chavi said. “I needed it for the team two years and three months ago, but not now,” he said.

Barcelona’s legendary midfielder Chavi took the helm last November 2021. He was honored to top La Liga last season.

However, Barcelona is on the decline this season. It has 13 wins, five draws and three losses (44 points) in La Liga, 11 points behind the first-runner Girona (55 points). It also failed to win the Spanish and Copa del Rey games.

Chavi said, “I don’t want to be a problem. I want to be a solution for Barcelona like I did two years ago. The team now needs a change of direction. First of all, I will do my best to win the league title this season. I still think we can do it.”

According to reports, Barcelona announced that it will extend its contract until June 2025 before announcing Chavi’s resignation, and it includes a clause that will extend the contract until 2026 if it wins the league and the Champions League during this period.

Spain’s “Sport” announced on the 29th, “After the extension of the contract, the salary of the car fee was raised to 8 million euros (about 11.6 billion won) and the staff to 4 million euros (about 5.8 billion won), bringing the total to 12 million euros (about 17.4 billion won).”

The media added, “This is also a penalty that Cha Ki can demand from the club after he puts down his baton. However, Cha Ki decided to give up the penalty so as not to put financial burden on the club.”

BY: 메이저 토토사이트

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