
Manchester United Legend Who Practiced Shooting Behind The Staff’s Back

Beckham’s age is about to reach 50. Beckham, 48, has shown impeccable free-kick skills and rumors of a “comeback” are spreading rapidly. Britain’s The Sun reported on the 27th that David Beckham has not lost his magical free-kick ability and announced his comeback. 토토

According to the released video, Beckham’s free-kick ability surprised fans. Beckham boasted incredible accuracy that he was 48. In fact, Beckham is a co-owner of Inter Miami, but he is not the owner of the club who is just being formal. Sometimes when players train at DRV PNK Stadium, their home stadium, they sneak in and play with the ball. If you’re dressed up in training clothes, you can even mistake yourself as a Miami player.

Beckham practiced free kicks at home in the absence of his players. He set up a sunny goalkeeper and hit a shot from outside the penalty box. The ball bent and hit the goalkeeper’s top left corner. The goalkeeper flew himself but flew into a space where he couldn’t use his hands.

According to the article, of course, the players did not build a wall in front of them because it was a free kick for practice. The distance is outside the penalty box. I kicked it with my right foot. In a perfect free-kick demonstration, Beckham added a slight caption to the video posted on social media. “I think I should come back”…

There were people who liked it more than Beckham. It is Beckham’s fans. Made a fuss. Fans were enthusiastic about the video. Some fans even compared it to Lionel Messi, who scored a free-kick in his Inter Miami debut. Fans poured out numerous accolades, including “It’s Lionel Beckham,” “King of free kicks,” and “Real GOAT.”

Beckham, meanwhile, has been enjoying himself since Messi was hired. Messi hugged his wife Victoria Beckham and shed tears when Messi scored a theatrical goal in a match against Cruz Azul in the League Cup 2023 at his home stadium on the 21st, Messi’s debut.

He was also happy when Messi scored two goals and one assist in the MLS match against Atlanta United and won the team’s 4-0 victory. David Beckham is in the spotlight as much as Messi due to his hard-working recruitment.

Beckham was in tears at Messi’s joining ceremony on the 17th. Beckham, who entered with Messi, delivered Messi a pink uniform with his back number 10. After Messi’s feelings about joining the team, the two hugged strongly.

Beckham’s owner said, “It’s an emotional night. His long dream of bringing Messi to Inter Miami has finally come true. I’m grateful to everyone,” he waved.

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