
Beyond K-pop, Korean traditional culture flourishes at Concordia village in US

Students play gayageum, a traditional Korean musical instrument, during an event at Concordia Korean Language Village in the U.S. state of Minnesota, Saturday. Courtesy of Sejong City Government

BEMIDJI, Minn. — At the Concordia Korean Language Village in the U.S. state of Minnesota, students immerse themselves in the Korean language through daily routines and a variety of activities. These include playing traditional Korean musical instruments and learning poetry, offering a hands-on approach to cultural education.

“I recognized the need for an American initiative that employs proven, engaging pedagogical techniques to teach Korean in a fun and engaging way,” said Ross King, a professor of Korean language at the University of British Columbia and the first dean of Concordia Korean Language Village.

“This approach is essential for encouraging children to learn and share the Korean language, especially those without Korean heritage.”

King stressed the importance of creating methods that appeal to non-Korean heritage learners, ensuring they are motivated to learn and share the Korean language.

Since its inception in 1999, the Concordia Korean Language Village has attracted over 2,500 students aged 7 to 18 from across the country.

Known as “Sup sogui Hosu,” meaning “a lake in the woods” in Korean, the village offers one-, two- and four-week sessions for all proficiency levels, from beginners to advanced speakers.

Concordia Language Villages, sponsored by Concordia College, operates language and cultural immersion programs in 18 languages. Each program features architecturally and culturally authentic village sites, all named “a lake in the woods” in their respective languages.

Students participating in the program show interest not only in K-pop but also in Korean food and authentic culture. The immersive environment allows them to learn the language as part of their daily lives.

“I really like the program because we can learn a lot of useful phrases. It’s not just in the classroom; it’s immersive, with Korean cultural 스포츠 experiences all the time,” Raven Glaser, a 17-year-old student attending the program for the second time, said.

“It gets to a point where it’s more effective to learn a language by being immersed in the environment and through everyday interactions,” Kira Robertson, a 17-year-old student participating in the program for the first time, said.

Participants also appreciate the opportunity to learn about Korean culture and traditions beyond textbooks in an environment where staff and students support each other in their learning.

“I feel welcomed and supported. The program allows everyone to explore interests and what is relevant to each of us,” Amelia Goodwin, a 16-year-old student who has been learning Korean for two years, said.

“I think students can always learn more about the culture through experiences than through books.”

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