
Shin Minjae is Different From The Director’s Ideal

LG Twins manager Yeom Kyung-yeop, who previously took the helm of the Nexen Heroes currently Kiwoom Heroes, used to leave the second position to Lee Taek-geun retired. Head coach Yeom’s ideal orientation of the second batter was a batter with a high batting average and long-hitting power, and Lee Taek-geun was one of the corresponding hitters. 스포츠토토 It was also the reason why Moon Sung-joo, who was closer to idealization until the beginning of this season, was placed in the second batter.

However, Shin Min-jae, who recently established a table setter with Hong Chang-ki in LG, is the second batter in a different style from Yeom’s ideal. As of the 25th, his batting average is not very low with 0.326 175 hits and 57 hits, but he is a batter who highlights mobility rather than slugging power.

Head coach Yeom Kyung-yeop said, If you put Shin Min-jae on No. 2, you can do two things. before Game 12 of the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League against Lotte Giants at Jamsil Baseball Stadium in Seoul on the 24th. If Moon Sung-joo is placed in No. 2, he can only attack, and if Shin Min-jae enters No. 2, he can attack and operate, and then his double play decreases, he said. I personally hate it the most when he gets double play in the first inning.

Coach Yeom said, Since there is a high probability that Hong Chang-ki will get on base lead-off, it is better for Shin Min-jae to be able to score than for Moon Sung-joo to be able to solve something, adding, Since baseball is a probability game anyway, Shin Min-jae will be more likely to score first.

In the meantime, the batter mentioned by the head coach is Oh Ji-hwan. He hit only two home runs in 88 games this season, but he hit the most home runs 25 in a season last year, achieving his first 20 home runs and 20 steals in his professional debut. In terms of the 2022 season’s performance alone, Oh Ji-hwan can be seen as a batter who is almost close to Yeom Kyung-yeop’s second batter utopia. Coach Yeom said, If Oh Ji-hwan had a lot of home runs like last year, he is likely to go to No. 2, adding, There would have been a little physical burden on the defense side.

In fact, the current lineup is complete, and even if a short-term match is held after the regular season, LG is not expected to deviate significantly from the current framework. Shin Min-jae, who moved to No. 2 in preparation for the postseason, is meeting his team’s expectations with 19 hits in 57 at-bats and a batting average of 0.333 12 RBIs even after moving the batting order. LG, which has solved the concerns of the second batter to some extent, which was no different from the last puzzle piece of the lineup, is taking a step toward its big dream.

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