
B.C. Wins C$30.8 Million In Lotto Max Draw

British Columbia has informed British Columbia Lottery Company that there is a new lottery millionaire. 릴게임사이트 According to the Crown Agency, the state’s Lotto Max player, who bought a ticket from Play Now , was voted the sole winner of the Canadian dollar $38 million jackpot. The lucky numbers of the winners were 07, 12, 14, 18, 46, 47, and 49.

BCLC is a state-run crown company that provides provincial government with responsible but fun gambling and lottery products. In addition to retail merchandise, Crown offers a huge online catalog on its official Playnow platform, allowing players to purchase lottery tickets and expect a twice-weekly draw for the nationwide Lotto Max.

The lottery last Friday decided that the next big lottery millionaire is in British Columbia. Currently, the winners’ names are unknown, but according to the Crown Agency, their winning numbers were 07, 12, 14, 18, 46, 47, and 49. In addition, the BCLC announced that the winner purchased an online ticket for the July 8 draw on PlayNow.com .

Lotto Max is drawn twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the maximum amount of prize money can reach a whopping C$70 million. According to BCLC data, the odds of winning the main prize are 1 in 33,294,800 per 5 Canadian dollars. Winners now have up to 52 weeks to contact the organization to receive a life-changing prize.

So far this year, local lottery winners have snatched more than $64 million in Lotto Max money. Most recently, the BCLC revealed two more wins at games held in the region. Daniel Warren from Langley won an impressive CA$500,000, while Adriana Miklosikova and her nursing colleagues from Coquitlam won an impressive CA$256,051.80

The largest lottery jackpot in the state of B.C. went to Christine Lauzon, a Burnaby local who won an incredible CA$70 million from Lotto Max in September 2021. Her ticket was drawn as winning the national lottery game on Sept. 28, 2021. She plans to share money with her loved ones and consider other options to send a heavy windfall.

Meanwhile, Ontario is also looking for major lottery winners. Most recently, the Ontario Lottery and Game Company said the Scarborough ticket holder won the 6/49 Lottery, worth C$20 million. Winners of this prize also have up to 52 weeks to contact the OLG to book an appointment to receive a large prize.

However, winning Lotto 6/49 is not all, as OLG has clinched just over C$121,000 in prize money sold in Unionville and Kitchener. In addition, an encore lottery with a $100,000 Canadian jackpot was drawn in Mississauga. The next lottery draw for 6/49 winners is Wednesday, July 13, 2022.

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