
“Lee Kang-In dazzles against BVB, but why was he substituted at half-time?”

French media outlets are curious about Lee Kang-In’s performance against BVB, but are curious about why he was substituted at half-time.

“Lee Kang-in (22, PSG) played his first match for South Korea at the Asian Games, but was substituted before halftime.”

“There is a reason why Lee Kang-in, who is playing for South Korea, was substituted at halftime,” French outlet RMC Sport reported on Friday (June 25), confirming Lee’s participation in the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games.

The South Korean Asian Games team, led by Hwang Sun-hong, won their third Group E match of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games 3-0 against Bahrain at the Jinhua Sports Center Stadium in Jinhua, China, on Thursday.

With the victory, the Koreans are now unbeaten in three group games.

Hwang Sun-hong, who won his second game in as many days against Thailand, clinched first place in the group. With the finalization of the Group F standings, Kyrgyzstan has been set as their Round of 16 opponent.

Lee Kang-in, who joined Hwangseon Hongho on the 21st, made a ‘surprise’ start in the match. He was subbed off in the 36th minute for Ko Young-joon before the first half was over, but his presence was felt. In the second and fourth minutes of the first half, he drew fouls in good positions to earn free-kick opportunities.

Then, in the 25th minute, after exchanging balls with a teammate, Lee stabbed a low, quick pass to Jung Woo-young, who was penetrating down the left flank, and Jung connected with an exquisite right-footed out-front cross. The ball flew precisely at the head of the onrushing Cho Young-wook, but the goalkeeper made the save. It was a close call.

In the 33rd minute, Lee’s left foot shone again. Lee saw Park Kyu-hyun penetrating quickly down the left flank and sent a precise pass. Although it didn’t result in a goal, it was a brilliant pass from Lee.

Lee’s move caught the attention of local French media. “Lee Kang-in played his first match for South Korea at the Asian Games, but he was substituted before halftime,” the publication said.

“We wonder if it was because they were worried about Lee’s injury, but according to Korean media reports, it wasn’t. It was probably the result of an agreement between PSG and the Korean Football Association (KFA).”

“Lee, who has played 143 minutes for PSG this season, dazzled in his UEFA Champions League debut against Borussia Dortmund on Oct. 20 and later joined the national team before the round of 16 at the Asian Games,” RMC continued.

Lee’s early substitution was part of coach Hwang Sun-hong’s plan. “I planned to play Lee Kang-in for about 30 minutes to check his condition and other things,” Hwang explained after the game. “He said he wanted to play more, 먹튀검증토토사이트 but we distributed the game as planned.

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