
Pragmatic Play Stands In Argentina Through New Deal

Pragmatic Play continues to expand its presence in Latin America as the leading iGaming title provider announces a whole new integration in Argentina, and on July 4, 2022, the vendor announced that it had entered into a partnership agreement with Tucuman’s Palpitos, which will now launch a state-of-the-art slot catalog with the Argentine vendor.

iGaming Distributor is considered one of the most prominent names in the industry and has proven over the years to be an innovative and reliable studio. 우리카지노탑 Introducing an impressive portfolio of online gaming content featuring premium live casinos, bingo and slot catalogs. The company tries to keep its portfolio fresh by introducing up to six new slots each month.

Currently, pragmatism play has a lot of influence in Latin America and Argentina, as it has previously partnered with several different gaming brands. And now Palpitos is the latest to work with iGaming suppliers and improve its online services. This is another important step for suppliers to become top distributors in the region.

The agreement gives Argentine businesses a wide range of premium slot products at their disposal. This includes the studio’s most recent releases, including Wild Beach Party™, Quenie™ and Rainbow Gold™. Players from Palpitos can also enjoy some of the biggest hits from vendors, including fan favorite Big Bass Bonanza™ and more.

Victor Arias, the vendor’s vice president of Latin America operations, said the company was excited to partner with the Argentine operator to deliver an innovative slot collection. According to him, the contract will give casinos a significant player base for Tukuman, while also providing access to world-class iGaming titles and limiting further growth opportunities for vendors.

In March this year, the famous iGaming distributor also expanded its operations in Romania, agreeing to sign a new deal with local online operator Maxbet.ro . The deal gave the supplier more gaming opportunities for Romanian bettors by launching state-of-the-art Live Casino with digital casinos.

In addition to developing the global eye-gaming industry, Pragmatic Play is also focusing on providing social objectives. Last week, the Pragmatic Play provider announced ultramarathon runner Steve Samut Nurminen in an effort to complete a 365 km charity marathon in Sicily. If the Maltese player succeeds, he will provide more than 10,000 euros to the Dr. Clown charity.

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