
I Didn’t Know When! Hwang Hee-chan And The Salzburg duo of The Netherlands Won The EPL

Hwang Hee-chan made his professional debut in the second division of the Austrian Bundesliga in 2014. 스포츠토토 He moved to Salzburg in 2015 and played as a starting member from the 2016-2017 season. He scored 12 goals in 26 league appearances in the 206-2017 season, and marked five goals in 20 games the following season. In the middle of the 2018-2019 season, he returned to Salzburg after playing for Hamburg SV in the second division of the German Bundesliga and scored 11 goals in 27 league games in the 2019-2020 season.

He played well in Salzburg and moved to RB Leipzig in the German Bundesliga in 2020. But it struggled in Leipzig. In two seasons, he played 29 games and failed to score a single goal. New opportunities at Wolverhampton in 2021. He produced five goals in his first 30 games as a transfer player, and had three goals in 27 games last season. It exploded early this season. He scored five goals in eight games. He scored five times in 416 minutes, showing an amazing sense of goal. 

Holland played for Salzburg from the 2018-2019 season when he was 18. He scored only one goal in the 83rd minute of the first season, but exploded his potential in the next season. He scored 16 goals in 14 league games. He scored as many as eight goals in six UEFA Champions League group matches, catching the attention of big league club scouts. And during the season, he moved to Borussia Dortmund, a prestigious club in the German Bundesliga.

During his three seasons with Dortmund, he grew up to be a top striker. He scored 13 goals in 15 league games in the first season of his transfer, and 27 goals in 28 games in the 2020-2021 season. In the 2021-2022 season, he played in 24 games and scored 22 goals. He moved to Manchester City last season and scored 36 goals in 35 games to become the EPL’s top scorer. He is also leading the scoring with eight goals in eight games this season.

Hwang Hee-chan and Holland grew together in Salzburg in their early 20s and late teens. In particular, he showed great performance in the UEFA Champions League in the 2019-2020 season. He led Salzburg’s attack in a triangular formation with Japanese midfielder Takumi. In particular, he showed impressive performance against strong teams, raising stock prices. Minamino was the first to take the EPL stage when he moved to Liverpool, and Hwang Hee-chan and Holland are currently playing together on the English ground. I didn’t know when I was doing well in Salzburg. Whether the two will dominate the EPL stage.

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