
Poker World Series Opens In New York State

The famous World Series poker is coming to New York State for the first time ever for a preliminary round. 온라인카지노 The gambling event will be held at Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Oneida County, and the preliminary round has already begun in the property’s famous poker room. More rounds will be held in winter and spring.

First launched in 1970, the poker tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the gambling industry and has offered tremendous prizes to participants since its first edition, awarding more than $3.29 billion during the tournament.

The upcoming spring “Circuit Event,” which will be held from Mar. 17-28, will be the icing on the cake of the World Series of Poker or WSOP. The event will be held at the Turningstone Resort & Casino’s Event Center, which will allow players to advance to the final round of Poker’s 2022 “Tournament of Champions” World Series in 2022 based on Las Vegas.

Ray Halbritter, CEO of Oneida Nation Enterprises, said the company is thrilled to be the first New York-based casino to become a satellite host of WSOP, offering this opportunity to loyal gamblers. Mr. Halbritter also said he was proud of the company being considered the best poker venue in the state and that the tournament would only raise the casino’s reputation.

WSOP Round 1 has already started at the Verona game facility, with 27 events scheduled. The first event began on November 1, and the satellite round will be held every Sunday through Wednesday until December 15, 2021. Satellite rounds resume in January with $175 in prize money, and winners will receive $1,400 seats in one of the following qualifying events.

Poker players will then participate in the WSOP Local Main Event at Casino on January 2, March 6, and May 1, 2022, with the winner of the Local Main Event receiving a $10,000 seat and $3,000 prize for travel expenses to participate in the 2022 WSOP “Tournaments of Champions” in Las Vegas.

Over the years of operation, Turning Stone Resort & Casino has been home to many prestigious gambling tournaments that have attracted large crowds in the industry. In 2020, the casino hosted the Winter Poker Meltdown Festival, where the main event awarded a total prize money of US$50,000. The Series began with several turbo qualifiers, where one in five earned a chance to reach the final.

This year, the Verona-based casino property was recognized as a gaming and dining facility. Casino Player Magazine’s 2021 Gaming Awards said the property has been the state’s premier gaming facility for the sixth year in a row. During this year’s ceremony, the casino received a total of 24 awards.

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