
Son Heung-min’s Best Friend Madison A-Match Joke is Annoying

James Maddison, a teammate of Son Heung-min 31, Tottenham, the captain of the men’s national soccer team, drew attention by joking that he was annoyed to play in October’s A match as the English national team. 스포츠토토 Tottenham has been leading the league with no loss six wins and two draws for eight consecutive games since the opening of the English Premier League, expressing regret for failing to continue this upward trend.

Asked if he was satisfied with his current condition, Maddison told BBC Radio 5 in the UK I’m in my best condition at the moment, and this is contributing to my victory. The A match break came at a time when it was a little annoying in a way, he said with a smile.

Maddison, who moved to Tottenham from Leicester City, which was relegated to the second division, scored two goals and five assists in all matches after the opening of the EPL. The assistance category is tied for first place with Pedru Netu Wolverhampton and Keiran Trippier Newcastle. Thanks to Madison’s strong performance, Tottenham advanced to the top of the league by beating their North London rival Arsenal, who are tied in points and gains and losses, by two goals in multiple points.

Against this backdrop, Madison was called up to the England national team during the A match in October. He is also expected to play well in the warm-up match against Australia on the 14th and the European Football Championship Euro 2024 group qualifying match against Italy on the 18th. Madison said, There’s never been a time when I didn’t want to be a member of the national team. However, Tottenham’s current performance is so good,” he said, expressing regret.

Even if Tottenham expands to the five major leagues in Europe, Tottenham’s performance stands out. So far, there are only six undefeated teams, including Tottenham, Bayern Munich, Leverkusen Germany, and Nice France. FTBL, a social media outlet specializing in soccer, ranked Tottenham in third place after Leverkusen and Real Madrid Spain, as it rated European club Power Lengking as of seven weeks after the opening of the league.

Tottenham has so many backgrounds for its good performance that it is hard to pick one or two. First of all, Madison and other newly recruited players stand out. Destiny Udogi, who is considered the best left fullback in the EPL at this point, and left-footed center back Mickey van der Pen, who covers a wide back space with fast feet, are considered the most successful recruitment in the EPL as a whole.

On top of that, the leadership of Enze Postecoglou and Son Heung-min, the new captain this season, gave a boost to the team’s performance. Midfielder Yves Bissouma and Pape Mata Sarr, who were not appointed under former Antonio Conte, are revitalizing Tottenham’s midfield with their vigorous activity and excellent de-pressure. Son Heung-min scored six goals in September alone despite his poor physical condition, including a groin injury, to tie for second in the goal rankings. Local media in the UK point out that Tottenham’s task is to fill the void caused by Son Heung-min’s participation in the Asian Cup in January next year.

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