
South Korea’s men’s go team of Shin Shin-seo and Shin Min-jun ‘Yang Xin’ wins Asian Games gold

South Korea’s men’s go team took the top spot at the Asian Games.

The Korean team of Shin Shin-seo, Park Jung-hwan, Kim Myung-hoon, Shin Min-joon, and Byun Sang-il defeated China 4-1 in the men’s team final at the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games on Wednesday at the Chinese Garden in Hangzhou, China.

With the gold medal, South Korea has now won three medals at the Games, including silver in the women’s team event and bronze in the individual event (Shin Shin-seo).

Park has now won two Asian Games gold medals in his career. Korea swept the men’s and women’s team and mixed doubles events at the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 바카라사이트

South Korea fielded runners 1-5 in the order of Byun Sang-il, Kim Myung-hoon, Park Jung-hwan, Shin Shin-seo, and Shin Min-joon, while China fielded Li Qin-cheng, Zhao Tian-yu, Mi Yuting, Yang Dingxin, and Kerze 9. Korea’s Byun Sang-il lost to Li Qin-cheng, but Shin Shin-seo, Shin Min-joon, Park Jung-hwan, and Kim Myung-hoon followed suit to seal the victory.

Shin Shin-seo defeated Yang Dingxin to win a hundred moves in 240 moves. “Shin Shin-seo went for the hemp with 208, and he won in style by catching the hemp in a fiery manner,” said Hong Moo-jin 6th Dan, who commented on the game on CyberOro.

Shin Min-joon was in deep trouble late in the game, but after a drawn-out battle to 324 moves, he pulled off a dramatic flip that left him with black pieces to secure the win for South Korea.

Park Jung-hwan then secured the victory against Mi Yueting with a black fire move in 261 moves, while Kim Myung-hoon also won in straight games.

Earlier in the day, South Korea won the silver medal in the women’s team final after losing 1-2 to China.

Choi Jeong 9-dan, Korea’s top female go player, lost to Li He 5-dan, while Kim Eun-ji 7-dan, the next big thing, lost to Wu Yiming 5-dan, the future of China.

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