
Tunisia Coach Compared to Korea and Japan Korea Physical, Japan Technology Advantage

At a press conference after the warm-up match against Japan at Kobe Misaki Park Stadium in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan on the 17th, he replied, Korea has physical ability and Japanese players have superior technical skills. 스포츠토토

When asked about the difference between Japan and Korea, Kadri said, Both teams are strong in Asia, so I didn’t feel much difference. Both teams are very quick and tactical teams, he said.

However, the Korean team is strong and physically capable in one-on-one. On the other hand, Japanese players are technically superior, he explained.

Tunisia kneeled 0-4 against South Korea at the Sangam World Cup Stadium in Seoul on the 13th. Coach Kadri pointed out Lee Kang-in Paris Saint-Germain, who directly scored multiple goals with free kicks, as an impressive player and said, He has excellent individual skills and made a difference. With players like this, we can make a difference with other teams, he praised. He also evaluated the Korean team at the meeting, saying, “It is a team that has good elements necessary for modern soccer such as speed and physical strength and speed.

Tunisia also lost 0-2 against Japan. He allowed Kyogo Furuhashi Celtic to score the first goal in the 43rd minute of the first half and Junya Ito Stad Reims to score an additional goal in the 24th minute of the second half. Tunisia was unable to avoid a defeat because its header at the end of the second half hit the goal post. It was a one-sided game as Japan attempted 17 shots, while Tunisia only had one.

Coach Kadri, who referred to Lee Kang-in as an impressive player in the Korean national team, replied, If you think about it, it’s Kubo Takefusa.

There were many good and fast players in Japan, he said. Kubo was involved in both of Japan’s goals. Above all, intelligence is important in soccer, and I think he is a good player in that regard, he praised.

Kadri also said, We were overwhelmed by attack and defense. Japan’s defense was excellent, and it didn’t give us space when we were trying to attack, he said, admitting defeat.

Japan has chosen Tunisia as its sparring partner for the Asian Cup and 2026 World Cup qualifiers in North and Central America. In fact, Tunisia played with five defenders like many Asian teams facing Japan. It was a very good simulation for the Asian game, coach Moriyasu Hajime praised the Japanese national team for breaking the dense defense and winning by two goals.

Japan continued its six-game winning streak with the victory. They beat El Salvador and Peru 6-0 and 4-1 in June, and beat Germany and Turkiye 4-1 and 4-2 in September. He also won 4-1 against Canada on the 13th, showing off his brilliance with multiple goals in all six games.

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