
10 Billion+4.7 Billion+00, Multi-Year Contract Until Age 42? KBO RBI King is The True Release Myth

KIA Tigers veteran hitter Choi Hyung-woo is ripe for a multi-year contract. After completing a three-year contract with the 2023 season, he is negotiating with the club to renew his contract. 스포츠토토사이트 The club is tinkering with the terms of a two-year contract. Shim Jae-hak, head of the team, said, The dedication to the team is a plus factor, hinting at the possibility of a multi-year contract. After the first FA 10 billion won and the second FA 4.7 billion won, he is about to sign his third multi-year contract at an unknown age.

Choi joined Samsung in 2002 but was released after three years without seeing the light. In three years, he played only six games. He knocked on the door of the National Police Agency with the sadness of release and spent time in desperation. When the National Police Agency showed off its hot hit, Samsung was surprised and recruited again. It was a rare case of reentry after release.

Upon joining the team, he took the main position since 2008 and played as a major hitter for Samsung. It was the pillar that led the Samsung Dynasty. I put on four winning rings. Finally qualified as an FA after the 2016 season. KIA had its eye on it early. To win, he needed a troubleshooter, and Choi Hyung-woo came to the market.

He wore the Tigers’ uniform with the highest treatment of 10 billion won for four years. The choice was right. In the 2017 season, he hit 342 with 26 home runs and 120 RBIs with an overwhelming OPS of 1,026 and served as a pillar of the batting lineup. He led a strong .300 lineup and served as a driving force for winning the regular league and the Korean Series. In the 2020 season, he rose to the top of the batting order, and 10 billion investments were rewarded with performance.

KIA presented the batting champion with a second FA contract worth 4.7 billion won for three years. The three-year period also meant that he would retire after playing baseball until the age of 40. The 2021 season was the worst performance, unlike the stellar performance of the first FA contract period due to a thigh injury and eye disease. The 2022 season started hard and seemed to be rushing to retire.

However, he succeeded in turning around with a batting average of .300 in the second half of the 2022 season, and the 2023 season returned as a troubleshooter. He had a batting average of 322 with 17 home runs and 82 RBIs with an OPS of 0.887. It ended early due to an injury at the end of the season, but it was the center of the strong lineup that once exceeded the second place. He showed his solid performance by ranking second in the final.

He also set a new record for the most RBIs 1,542 in the KBO League. At the end of the three-year contract, the word retirement disappeared. Instead, it increased the possibility of signing a multi-year contract. It is not yet an FA, so it is a general contract target, but it is expected to sign a contract by 2025 considering its contribution. Even at the age of 40, he proved his ability with his performance and had a positive impact on his juniors with sincere training and playing his best.

Along with the two-year contract, the conditions of treatment are also of interest. This year’s annual salary is 900 million won. If you sign a two-year contract at a similar level to this year, it will be 1.8 billion won. Of course, if it means a safety device, options can also be applied. This is also monumental if he succeeds in signing a multi-year contract at the age of 41 in the season. The KBO RBI king will become a true winner with the release myth.

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