
Bet Game Ready to Make Its First Debut in Ontario

Ontario will soon have one more premium gambling brand to choose from, just as leading gaming provider Bet Games recently announced its entry into the local market. 온라인카지노 The live dealer brand is fully licensed by Ontario’s Alcohol and Gaming Commission, which allows it to release premium game titles to licensed players in other states.

Online casinos and sports betting for private businesses in Ontario are the first in Canada. It went online on April 4, 2022 and is operated by AGCO and its subsidiary iGaming Ontario. So far, more than 20 operators and more than 30 gaming websites have been licensed to join the sector.

Once in the province, Bet Games will be able to develop an impressive portfolio of iGaming titles, including broadcast lottery-themed titles and show-based games. It features fan-favorite titles such as Lucky 7, Lucky 5, and Starzle exclusively for Entain. But to debut, the company needs an operating contract from iGaming Ontario.

Andreas Koeverl, CEO of the game brand, shared the company’s excitement about the Ontario license, which expands its global reach and allows people to enjoy the new demographics of bettors. Mr. Koeverl went on to say that the local market is one of the major potentials and that the supplier is excited to be part of this recently regulated sector.

The gaming business is licensed to operate and offer a wide range of products in regulated areas of the Malta Gaming Commission, GB Gambling Commission and South Africa. Once this company joins the local market, it will have many operators who can offer its products. Popular brands such as L7 Entertainment, the World Series of Poker, Apollo, BetSafe, and Pala have made inroads.

In October, AGCO released its second-quarter report on Ontario’s online casino and sports betting markets. The period from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022 applies, during which the local market generated a total of C$6.04 billion in betting handles and over C$267 million in gaming revenue. In the second quarter, we had 24 operators and 42 gaming websites.

In addition to this, local regulators have reported 628,000 active users in the second quarter. They spent an average of 142 Canadian dollars per month per customer. It should be noted, however, that these figures do not include PROLINE+ revenue, as the latter is a provincial website run separately by OLG.

Recently, AGCO also decided to take drastic action against grey market operators who have not transitioned into the regulatory sector. The regulator said it gives illegal platforms until Oct. 31, 2022, legalized in their jurisdiction, giving them a deadline to join the regulated market. Otherwise, there is a risk of being penalized by the regulatory body, such as the rejection of the application.

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