
‘Japanese figure star’ Yuzuru Hanyu announces divorce after 3 months of marriage “A normal wife, unable to step out of the house”

Japanese figure star Yuzuru Hanyu has announced her divorce after three months of marriage.
On the morning of the 18th, Yuzuru Hanyu posted on her official Twitter account, “To everyone who supports me.

Thank you so much for your warm words, support, and encouragement.

It’s a private matter, but there’s something I want to tell you,” she wrote.
Yuzuru Hanyu, who announced her marriage in August, wrote, “I married a regular person. We married with the intention of sincerely respecting and cherishing each other, and we have overcome many things together to protect each other,” she said, adding, “In that life, my partner has been acting to protect me and supporting me, even when I was unable to step out of the house.”
“Currently, various media outlets are reporting slander, stalking, and unauthorized interviews and reports about the other person, their relatives, and related parties, as well as my relatives and related parties.

You may also be followed by a suspicious vehicle or person in your living space, or you may be approached
unexpectedly,” he said.

“We have been thinking about it together and trying to protect each other from these situations, but because of my inexperience, it was extremely difficult and unbearable for me to continue to protect the other person and myself. 바카라사이트

Given the possibility of this situation continuing and the possibility that it will happen again even if it improves temporarily, when I thought about the future, I made the decision to divorce because I want the other person to be happy and I want them to be happy without limits,” he said.
He concluded, “Please refrain from slandering the other person, their relatives or related parties, and my relatives and related parties, who are members of the public, or from any unauthorized interviews or reports.

I sincerely request this.

I will continue to move forward and thank you for your continued support.”
Yuzuru Hanyu has won gold medals in the men’s singles figure skating event at the 2014 Sochi and 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, gold in the men’s singles event at the 2014 Saitama and 2017 Helsinki World Figure Skating Championships, gold in the men’s singles event at the 2020 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships in Seoul, and gold in the men’s singles event at the 2013-14 Fukuoka, 2014-15 Barcelona, 2015-16 Barcelona, and 2016-17 Marseille Figure Grand Prix Series Grand Prix Finals.

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