
Real Luck Group Partners With Peruvian Esports Team

This week, Real Luck Group, a major provider of esports and sports betting and casino games, announced that it had expanded its business in Latin America. 카지노사이트 The company and its subsidiaries, such as Luckbox, will now sponsor the Thunder Awaken, Peru’s leading esports team. The deal is based on a recent player recruitment debut in Brazil.

Luckbox is an award-winning betting company that provides legal, real-time, real-time streaming and statistics on all major e-sports and sporting events. It boasts a B2C platform that leverages shared technology, data, and resources and offers a variety of betting options for esports tournaments on major esports titles such as CS: GO, Dota 2, LoL, etc.

Since most players find betting platforms from teams and influencers, sponsorship with esports teams is an important achievement for the company’s exposure in Latin America. Thunder Awake is Peru’s largest professional team with over 16 million fans across the entire network.

In addition, the agreement will provide large-scale marketing benefits, which will effectively reach communities with high participation in both e-sports and regular sporting events. The e-sports team competed in Dota 2 at The International 11, one of the industry’s largest e-sports events, with 2.7 million unique viewers, up 37% year-on-year in 2021.

Real Luck Group Marketing Director Daniel Sanders mentioned Peru is an important market for the company. In other words, the jurisdiction is very interested in e-sports, and through this partnership, Luckbox will have access to 16 million Thunder Awake channels through the Dota 2 International 11. It also said that over the next few months, the company will share more of its plans to expand on the continent.

In October, Brazil saw a significant increase in player registration, traffic and deposits for its Luckbox platform. And this partnership with an esports organization is the first major online marketing project for esports by betting brands in Latin America and provides a significant branding and a nationwide integrated approach in Peru.

Alberta-based Real Luck Group released financial statistics and highlights for the first quarter of 2022 ended March 31, 2022 in the summer. In the first quarter, the company not only reported C$12.5 million in cash and no debt, but also added 400 new games to its product. The company confirmed annual savings of C$500,000, which will be reinvested in businesses including player acquisition efforts in 2022.

In December 2021, the e-sports and sports betting company began offering its first online casino option. Luck box CEO Thomas Rosander noted that the launch of online casinos is the most important and first major milestone for the company’s online product expansion.

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