
Sending off on a dubious call→Shocking defeat, stoic coach Lee Kang-chul “I made a mistake and got sent off”

KT Wiz head coach Lee Kang-cheol was ejected from the game.
KT lost the third game of the Korean Series against the LG Twins of the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO Postseason 7-8 on Tuesday at KT Wiz Park in Suwon.

With the loss, KT fell to 1-2 in the series. After winning the first game, the team lost the second and third games in a row.
Their chances of winning the championship, which had soared to 74.4 percent with their Game 1 victory, dropped to 15 percent.

Historically, the team that won Game 1 has gone on to win the championship 29 out of 39 times (74%), but the team that lost Game 3 after winning Game 1 (including draws) has won only 3 out of 20 times.
It’s especially shocking that they lost without their “LG nemesis” Wes Benjamin.

Benjamin has been strong against LG this season, going 4-0 with a 0.84 ERA in five starts.
But today was different.

He was one home run short.

After loading the bases with a hit and a walk in the third inning, Benjamin gave up a three-run homer to Austin Dean.
KT took advantage of an RBI single by Hwang Jae-gyun in the third and an error in the bottom of the fifth to pull within 4-3. 바카라사이트

However, they gave it back in the sixth inning.

With the bases loaded in the sixth, Son Dong-hyun took the mound, but was hit by a two-run home run by Park Dong-won.

The duo of Park Young-hyun in the second inning and Son Dong-hyun and Pil Seung-jo in the third added to the shock as they were both hit by Park Dong-won.
In the bottom of the eighth inning, KT scored a run off LG closer Go Woo-seok, a tying RBI single by Hwang Jae-gyun, and a three-run homer by Park Byung-ho to win the game 7-5.

This seemed to be the end of KT’s victory, but they didn’t have the last laugh.
In the ninth inning, closer Kim Jae-yoon hung his head as he gave up a three-run homer to Oh Ji-hwan.
Especially in the ninth inning, there were some unfortunate calls.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, the umpire called Kim Jun-tae’s at-bat a false swing.

The third base umpire signaled a swing even though Kim’s bat did not turn.

At that moment, Lee Kang-cheol, the head coach, ran onto the field and approached the third base umpire to confirm the call.

The umpire ejected Lee for protesting the call.
The atmosphere seemed to cool down, but the pinch-hitter Jung Joon-young singled to put runners on first and second.

He scored on a high fly ball by Choi Jae-dae.

The tide seemed to be turning in KT’s favor again, but Kim Sang-soo hit a grand slam to end KT’s 7-8 loss.
After the game, Lee Kang-cheol, who entered the interview room with a stern expression, said, “The players played a good game.

Seung-woon went to them (LG),” he said with a bitter smile.
“I made a mistake, so I got sent off,” he said of his ejection after protesting a swinging call on Kim Jun-tae.
Still, it was encouraging to see Park and Alford bounce back.

Park went 2-for-5 with a double, home run, and two RBIs, while Alford also went 2-for-5.
Lee Kang-cheol said, “The batting lineup as a whole tends to come alive.

We will prepare well and play well tomorrow,” Lee said.
He also revealed that he will utilize Lee Sang-dong as a closer.

When asked about it, he said “yes” in short and bold.
Finally, he walked out of the interview room announcing Uhm Sang-baek as the Game 4 starter.

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