
WBC failure – Hangzhou gold – 29 years in the making…fan sentiment is always high

The 2023 professional baseball season ended with the Elgee (LG) Twins winning the combined regular season and Korean Series title.

The LG Twins swept the KC (NC) Dinos in the playoffs, winning the series 4-1 and standing on top for the first time in 29 years since 1994.

KT countered the Elsie with a solid starting lineup, but fell apart in Games 2-4, giving up consecutive home runs to Austin Dean, Park Dong-won, and Oh Ji-hwan.

Oh became the first player in the Korean Series to homer in three consecutive games and was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP).
In the regular season, there were many players who excelled at the plate, adding to the fun for baseball fans.

Eric Peddy (NC) became the first foreigner to win the “Triple Crown” of wins, ERA, and strikeouts with a 20-6 record, 2.00 ERA, and 209 strikeouts.

The 20-win-200-strikeout mark is the fifth all-time, following Sammi Jang Myung-bu in 1983 (30 wins, 220 strikeouts), Lotte’s Choi Dong-won in 1984 (27 wins, 223 strikeouts), Samsung’s Kim Si-jin in 1985 (25 wins, 201 strikeouts), and Haetae’s Sun Dong-yeol in 1986 (24 wins, 214 strikeouts). 온라인카지노
On offense, Noh Si-hwan (22-Hanhwa) led the way with 31 home runs and 101 RBIs to finish second in home runs and RBIs.

Noh became the second-youngest player in KBO history to reach the 30-homer, 100-RBI mark, joining Doosan Bears’ Lee Seung-yeop, who hit 32 homers and 114 RBIs at the age of 21 in 1997.

After producing a “young home run king” for the first time in 15 years since Kim Tae-gyun, Hanwha will reorganize its coaching staff and players to take a leap forward next season and aim for fall baseball.
This year, professional baseball proved its popularity, surpassing 8 million spectators for the first time in five years.

One team that boasted ticket power was the Elsie.

In the regular season, 1,226,137 fans came to Jamsil Baseball Stadium to support the Elsie, making it the first team in the 10-team system to exceed 1.2 million fans in a season.
For the Hangzhou Asian Games, all but three wildcard spots were filled with prospects aged 25 or younger or in their fourth year of professional competition, in an effort to generationalize the national team.

In Hangzhou, the team, led by players born in the 2000s such as Moon Dong-joo (19, Korea), Won Tae-in (23, Samsung), Park Young-hyun (20, KT) and Yoon Dong-hee (20, Lotte), won their fourth consecutive Asian Games gold medal after defeating arch-rivals Chinese Taipei.

The gold medalists from the Hangzhou Games will be back in action at the Asian Professional Baseball Championship (APBC), which will be held at the Tokyo Dome in Japan for four days from May 16.

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