
After conquering the third part, it goes straight to the first part. Jeju Hakbumson recruit is Jegal Jae-min, who looks like Hwang Hee-chan

According to a transfer market official on the 20th, Jegal Jae-min, an all-weather striker who won the 2023 season’s top scorer and MVP as a member of the Mokpo City Hall in the third division, has confirmed to join the K League 1 Jeju. Most of the transfer process has been completed, and only the announcement is left. Head coach Kim Hak-beom’s “first recruit,” who was appointed as the new captain of Jeju earlier this month.

It is his return to the K-League in three years for Jegal Jae-min, who swept the top scorer at a tournament in high school, as he was considered one of the best talents in his age group. Jegal Jae-min, a graduate of Jeonju University, signed a rookie contract with Daegu in the 2021 season with Kim Hee-seung and Kim Tae-yang (Daegu). Realizing that he was a professional golfer, however, he failed to make his professional debut and left the team in a year.

Having played in the K3 league as a member of Gimhae City Hall, Dangjin Citizens’ Hall and Mokpo City Hall since last year, Jegal Jae-min scored “potent” in Mokpo City led by coach Cho Duck-je this year. He scored 12 goals for this season, leading his team to the runner-up. Jegal Jae-min enjoyed the best moments of his soccer career by winning the joint top scorer, MVP, and “triple crown” of the year.

Jegal Jae-min, a semi-professional player, has been caught on the radar of professional teams. Leading teams in the K-League 1 and K-League 2 aimed to recruit Jegal Jae-min. Among them, Jeju Island has been the most aggressive in recruiting players. Jeju confirmed Jegal Jae-min’s potential as soon as the season ended, and successfully recruited a young striker.

Jegal Jae-min was praised for resembling national team striker Hwang Hee-chan (Wolverhampton) as he was equipped with his facial features, confident physique and explosive speed. One of the actual role models is Hwang Hee-chan. On the 7th, he even said on the site of the 2023 K3, K4 League Awards that his dream is to play with Hwang Hee-chan for the national team.

Jegal Jae-min is expected to lead the offensive team along with Yuri Jonathan and Seo Jin-soo in the 2024 “hakbumson” Jeju. As it is no longer applied to the 22-year-old rule, Jegal Jae-min should survive the fierce competition to become the starting member. Jeju, which ranked ninth last season amid sluggish performance, will convene for the first time on Wednesday, focusing on non-mainstream players, and start off-season training in earnest from January 3 next year.

BY: 토토

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