
BCLC Announces Expiration of C$1 Million Lottery Winner 6/49

British Columbia Lottery Company reminds us that Lotto 6/49 worth C$1 million is less than two days away from maturity. 온라인카지노 According to The Crown Agency, the lottery was purchased on Maple Ridge and dates back to the popular game’s September 28, 2022 draw, but still no one has contacted the organization to claim the lottery.

Lotto 6/49 is a widely popular lottery game that draws on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Gold Ball Draw is a guaranteed prize draw in which contestants can claim a guaranteed C$1 million prize or an expanding Gold Ball jackpot starting at C$10 million. In addition, the classic jackpot always offers a prize of C$5 million.

BCLC explains in its most recent press that the ticket was purchased on Maple Ridge last year and won an astonishing C$1 million in the 6/49 lottery draw on September 28, 2022. However, there is a 52-week expiration period for frigging a win in Canada, during which the winner did not contact the agency about the prize claim.

Because no winners have yet emerged, the Crown Agency is advising players who purchased tickets on September 28, 2022 to check or recheck their tickets for Gold Ball draw number: 12299795-01. Tickets can be found at any time through local BCLC lottery stores or through the BCLC Lottery app.

The BCLC also tells you that all lottery prizes in the province and the country cannot be claimed by the holder until 52 weeks after the draw. In addition, the exact retail location where the winning lottery ticket was sold and the identity of the winner will be announced by coming to the BCLC Center to claim compensation.

According to information from the Crown Agency, local lottery winners have already claimed more than C$83 million in Lotto 6/49 so far in 2023. BCLC, meanwhile, provides socially responsible gambling while generating revenue to help British Colombians live. It reminds residents not to make money and to have fun.

In addition to winning the Lotto by a large margin, British Colombians claimed a significant lottery windfall on Lotto Max, another popular game for many Canadians. In July 2023, Camloops-area Rhonda Malekou took home a check worth C$35,000,000,000 because she was one of two winners to win a jackpot worth C$70 million in the game. The winning ticket was purchased at a Walmart on Hillside Drive.

Also earlier this year, Debbie Ramsay and her husband Lahsen Rezrazi claimed a C$35 million jackpot. Mr. Rezraj explained that he was on his way to pick up his wife and decided to stop by the grocery store to buy milk and cream. Then he checked the lottery ticket. At first, he won 10 Canadian dollars in free play, and surprisingly, the last ticket showed 35 million Canadian dollars.

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