
‘Goodbye ice’ Ice hockey legend HL Anyang Kim Ki-sung officially retires

HL Anyang coach Kim Ki-seong (38), considered the best striker of all time produced by Korean ice hockey, held an official retirement ceremony and bid farewell to fans.At the retirement ceremony held after the 2023-2024 Asia League Ice Hockey Regular League match against Yokohama Gritz held at Anyang Ice Arena on the 17th, Kim Ki-seong said, “There have been ups and downs in my performance since my debut, but I have come to this point thanks to everyone who has always supported me. He left a final message saying, “I will do my best no matter what position I am in from now on.”Kim Ki-seong, who finished his active career at the end of last season and is walking the path of a coach, is a legendary player who made Korean ice hockey history with HL Anyang.Kim Ki-seong, who graduated from Gyeongseong High School and Yonsei University and wore the HL uniform in 2008, led the team to its first regular league championship in his debut season and was named Rookie of the Year.

In the 2009-2010 season, he contributed 22 goals and 22 assists in 36 regular league games, and 3 goals and 6 assists in 9 playoff games, helping HL Anyang become its first Asian champion.In particular, the scene in which he scored a dramatic equalizer 17 seconds before the end of Game 5 of the finals against the Cranes when the team was tied 3-4 and played the lead role in the 5-4 comeback is the highlight of Kim Ki-sung’s ice hockey life.In the 2014-2015 season, he was the first Korean player to be named the Asian League Regular League Most Valuable Player (MVP) with 28 goals and 42 assists in 45 games, and in the 2019-2020 season, he was the top scorer in the regular league with 22 goals.After leaving the ice for a while due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), he returned to the ice with the resumption of ice hockey in the Asia League last season and showed off his rust-free skills by scoring 25 goals, the most in the team.Ki-Sung Kim was a mainstay of Korean ice hockey, even on the national team.Kim Ki-sung, who has participated in a total of 17 World Championships, holds the records for the most appearances for the national team (80 games), the 슬롯게이밍 most goals (49), and the most assists (44).

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