
Hyundai E&C gets first win of the season against Heungkuk Life

Hyundai E&C Hillstate extended its winning streak to nine games with its first win of the season against the Heungkuk Life Pink Spiders.

Hyundai E&C won 3-1 ( against Heungkuk Life in the 2023-2024 V League Women’s Division at Samsan World Gymnasium in Incheon on Tuesday.

Led by the duo of Yelena Mrazenovic (registered name Yelena) and Kim Yeon-kyung, Heungkuk Life outscored Hyundai E&C (55) in offense with 59 points, but committed 29 errors that led to their own downfall.

With the win, Hyundai E&C moved to 40 points, four points clear of Heungkuk Life (36 points) atop the standings.

As expected in a matchup between the No. 1 and No. 2 teams, the first set was tightly contested.

Heungkuk Life’s Kim Yeon-kyung led the team’s offense with eight points (50% attack success rate).

Kim had three points from forward attacks and four points from backward attacks, including one block.

Heungkuk Life could have easily handed over points with nine errors, but the team managed five blocks to stop Hyundai E&C’s offense at every juncture. 바카라사이트

At the end of the set, down 24-18, Hyundai E&C scored five straight points to pull within one point, 24-23, but could not overturn the set.

Hyundai E&C immediately fought back and took the second set in straight sets.

After taking a 10-4 lead at the beginning of the second set due to the opponent’s errors (four), HMC regained its offensive flow with seven kills from outside hitter Leticia Moma Vasoko (registered name Moma) and five kills from middle blocker Yang Hyo-jin.

Heungkuk Life pulled to within one point (24-23) thanks to back-to-back kills from Kim Yeon-kyung, but Hyundai E&C closed out the set with Moma’s offense.

Moma continued to lead HMC’s offense in the third set, scoring seven points.

She was joined by five kills from Sithong (real name Wipai), and the team easily closed out the third set with a 25-16 victory.

In the fourth set, the game was decided by Bumseil.

Heungkuk Life recorded nine errors in the fourth set alone, but with the score tied at 17-17, Yelena, Reina, and Kim Soo-ji each made errors to give up three points.

At 22-20, Park Eun-seo was brought in to try to turn the tide with a service ace, but she also made an error and the fourth set ended 25-20.

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