
I Don’t Like LA, a Special FA Pitcher Who Refused to Sign a Dodgers Contract

According to Dodger Blue Dotcom, a Dodgers-specialized media outlet, on the 25th, the Dodgers reportedly offered Nola a contract worth 165 million dollars about 215.5 billion won. 온라인카지노사이트 The specific contract period is unknown, but it is a considerable amount.

However, Nola stayed with his original team Philadelphia on the 20th, signing a seven-year, $172 million FA contract. The Atlanta Braves also offered a six-year, $162 million, higher than Philadelphia on an annual average basis, but failed to dampen one-club man Nola’s willingness to stay.

There was another reason why Nola rejected the Dodgers. David Vasse, a reporter for the Dodgers, said on the podcast AM570 LA Sports. I had a conversation with Nola, but he didn’t like the city of L.A., he said.

Nola, who hails from Louis in the central U.S., played for 10 years until this year after being drafted by Philadelphia in 2014. He is unfamiliar with Western life and has a quiet personality that does not fit the noisy Hollywood atmosphere of LA.

For this reason, there have been players who rejected the Dodgers in the past. Anthony Rendon, a special third baseman who came to the FA market after leading the Washington Nationals to their first World Series victory in 2019, also received attention from the Dodgers but did not go.

At the time, Rendon said, The Dodgers are a great team, but I don’t think Hollywood life will fit my family. When I think of LA, I think of the colorful life, the numerous lights and paparazzi, he said. Rendon signed with the Los Angeles Angels based in Anaheim, which is not far from LA instead of the Dodgers, but has a quiet city atmosphere. As Rendon was reduced to the worst FA after the Angels, it was fortunate for the Dodgers to be neglected.

Philadelphia, where Nola stayed, is also famous for having many enthusiastic fans, but it is not noisy outside the stadium. It is also a familiar place for Nola. Nola, who was drafted by Philadelphia with the seventh overall pick in the first round in the 2014 draft, made his major league debut in 2015 and played nine seasons as a one – club man so far this year. Stable commands and durability are evaluated as strengths along with various pitches such as four-seam, two-seam cutter, curve, and change-up.

Nola’s overall performance has been consistent with 235 games 1422 innings, 90 wins, 71 losses, 3.72 strikeouts and 1582 ERA. Five double – digit winning seasons. This year, he was a little disappointed with 32 games 193 ⅔ innings, 12 wins, 9 losses, 4.46 strikeouts, and 202 strikeouts, but he showed strong performance in big games with 3 wins, 1 loss, and 2.35 strikeouts in four postseason games 23 innings. Although it received attention from the Dodgers and Atlanta, which emerged as big game pitchers and were eliminated early in the postseason, it will continue to accompany Philadelphia.

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