
Holland Casino Online Boosts Dutch Offering with Booming Games

The renowned provider of content for the online gambling industry, Booming Games, continues its expansion in Europe after signing a new deal with Holland Casino Online, a leading operator in the Netherlands. The company confirmed Tuesday that it agreed to supply a wide range of diverse games, powering the operator’s offering.

The latest collaboration expands Booming Games’ presence in the Dutch market and marks an important milestone in its expansion across the Old Continent. Thanks to the new partnership, Holland Casino’s Dutch customers will be able to experience thrilling titles from the leading iGaming content supplier.

In addition to propelling the reach of Booming Games, the latest collaboration provides a vital boost for the leading online gambling operator. Moreover, the deal between the duo seeks to propel their expansion not only in the Netherlands but in other regulated gambling markets, bringing mutual success.

The expansion in the Netherlands comes after back in August, Booming Games was cleared for launch in Denmark, another important regulated market in Europe. The aforementioned clearance enabled the iGaming content provider to supply its games to licensed Danish operators, boosting further its European presence.

The Deal Represents a Milestone Achievement for Booming Games
Nicolas Fleiderman, Holland Casino’s manager, was delighted to see the company forge this new partnership with Booming Games. He spoke about the quality of the iGaming provider’s offering, saying that it will exceed the expectations of the Dutch players. Finally, Fleiderman predicted that the collaboration would bring success to the duo.

Frederik Niehusen, Booming Games’ chief commercial officer, was similarly delighted regarding the new deal with Holland Casino. He acknowledged that the partnership represents a milestone achievement for the company. “Holland Casino Online distinguishes itself by offering the utmost safety, fairness, and trust in the online betting realm for Dutch players,” added Niehusen. Last but not least, he said that this deal will propel the presence of Booming Games in the Dutch market and strengthen its position within the growing gambling sector.

In August, Booming Games announced another Dutch-facing deal by teaming up with Bingoal. At the time, the iGaming content provider agreed to provide player-favorite games for customers of the popular iGaming brand, strengthening its offering for Dutch players.

BY: 우리카지노탑

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