
Lee Ki-heung’s ‘over the top’ use of pre-argument language

Everyone is an enemy if they don’t get their way.

The recent conflict between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Olympic Committee has led to criticism of KOC President Lee Ki-heung’s assertive behavior.

“We (KASF) do not participate in the National Sports Policy Committee,” he said in a recent media interview.

The NSC is a joint government-private body that was launched last month to deliberate and decide on major sports policies.

It is co-chaired by the prime minister and includes ministers (or their deputies) from 15 ministries and the private sector.

President Lee Ki-heung is one of the nine ex officio members.

However, Lee did not attend the first meeting, saying that the civilian members recommended by the KOC were not appointed.

Rather, after the first meeting, he issued a statement in the name of the Korean Sports Federation and others saying that the composition of the civilian members was wrong.

In the statement, they demanded an apology from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, but they were told that it was ‘over the top’ because they were denying a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister.

Now, they have burned their bridges, saying they will not participate in the National Sports Policy Committee at all.

Lee’s willingness to confront state power is due to the learning effect.

Lee also caused a stir last year when he criticized the launch of the organizing committee for the World University Games in Chungcheong Province, saying that his recommended candidate was excluded.

The process led to conflicts with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the four provinces, which emphasized procedure, and eventually led to the resignation of the publicly selected secretary general.

In a statement released last month, Lee accused the ministry of “irresponsible behavior in reversing the agreement between the KOC and the host city on the composition of the organizing committee for the 2027 World University Games in the Chungcheong region, which led to a crisis in the return of the hosting rights.”

A complete misrepresentation of the facts.

This is a complete distortion of the facts.

The first mention of “withdrawal of the Host Partners” was in a KOC document that said it was a directive from President Lee. 온라인카지노

It was called “reversing the agreement,” but this is a rephrasing of the word consultation.

Lee was caught red-handed at a city and provincial athletic association curbside meeting on the U Games organizing committee in early June last year.

At that meeting, he expressed strong feelings that the co-director general had defamed him and repeatedly stressed that he would “criminally prosecute” him.

In a country where only prosecutors can bring charges, it is impossible for a private citizen to do so.

However, his use of language that disrupts concepts and definitions caused the room to boil over.

Referring to the Ministry of Culture, he said, “On the 1st, President Yoon Seok-yeol expressed it correctly, and it stems from the ‘bureaucratic cartel’.

We need to dig it all out this time.”

It’s unclear whether the president had the sports world in mind when he said this, and whether it’s fair to label the MOC as a bureaucratic cartel.

But the moment Lee’s words were translated into action, the ministry became a cartel.

Lee has been confronting the government in various ways, including issuing statements, athletes’ conventions, curbside meetings of provincial athletic associations, and the formation of a senate.

In the process, he has been using language arbitrarily.

Last year, the National Audit Office also reported that Lee gave incorrect information to lawmakers about the tennis association presidential election.

When this accumulates, trust is lost.

Lee’s pre-emptive behavior, which is not subject to internal criticism, is detectable in his language.

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