
“Roh Si-hwan’s 350 million won + Moon Dong-ju’s highest increase rate.” Hanwha completes 2024 salary contract

The Hanwha Eagles have completed their salary contract for 2024.

Hanwha said on the same day, “We completed contracts with 45 people eligible for annual salary contracts on the 29th.”

The highest increase was attributable to Noh Si-hwan. Invited by the Hanwha Eagles as the third overall in the second round of the first round in 2019, Noh had a batting average of 0.298 (153 hits in 514 times at bat) with 31 homers and 101 RBIs in 131 games last year, sweeping two titles, namely the home run king and the RBI king.

Thanks to his performance, Noh’s annual salary jumped from 113 million won (137,000 dollars) to 350 million won (320,000 dollars). It is the highest increase in his team, up 219 million won (167 percent).
The highest rate of increase was up to Moon. The hero of the first round of the 2022 race was 160.1 kilometers last year, setting a new record for fastest speed by a Korean pitcher and recording eight wins, eight losses and an ERA of 3.72 to win the Rookie of the Year award. Moon’s annual salary has also increased from 33 million won (34,000 dollars) last year to 100 million won (89,000 dollars). This is a 203-percent increase, the highest in his team.

In addition, Joo Hyun-sang and Yoon Dae-kyung, who performed well as bullpen pitchers, have also entered the annual salary of hundreds of millions of dollars. Joo Hyun-sang jumped from 58 million won (52 million dollars) to 52 million won (518,400 dollars), and Yoon Dae-kyung from 90 million won (120,700 dollars) to 20 million won (110,100 dollars), respectively.

In addition, Moon Hyun-bin (30 million won → 80 million won), Lee Jin-young (39 million won → 70 million won), and Lee Do-yoon (34 million won → 75 million won), who have played in more than 100 games, have also seen their salaries rise significantly.

In addition, Kim Kang-min, who was recruited through the second draft, signed for 110 million won, and Jung Woo-ram, who has been playing as a playing coach since this season, signed for 100 million won, respectively.

Meanwhile, with the completion of the annual salary contract, all Hanwha players will participate in the spring camp.

BY: 토토사이트 순위

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