
The KBO League is introducing the world’s first ABS

The KBO League is introducing the world’s first ABS (Automatic Ball Judgment System, aka AI umpire). How will it really change? The zone that was only learned in theory will become a reality.

‘It favors the pitcher’ is the prevailing opinion. Hitters are expected to be confused as the square zone in their heads will be replaced by the three dimensions of the dodecahedron. This is especially true for pitchers with off-speed pitches like two-seamers and curves. However, the thought of a ball that curves left and right, in addition to a big strike that comes in for a one-bound pitch, will also leave the zone at a big angle, which can be a bit scary. It’s a completely different situation from the old days of judging the zone based on the location of the catch.

For pitchers, 바카라사이트 it’s not as if they have to be conscious of the sharpness of their pitches. They can throw with relative ease.

However, there is a minority opinion that says, “Pitchers don”t adapt as well.

They argue that it’s faster for batters to adapt than pitchers.

Some say, “Not many Korean pitchers have that kind of pinpoint delivery anyway. It could be a big boost for some ace-level pitchers, but I don’t think it’s going to change the overall picture.” After all, it’s not easy to get a pitch into the four-quarter zone anyway.

ABS is a system that hasn’t even been implemented in the major leagues yet. This year’s KBO is the first time it will be analyzed and studied in earnest. This is why the US and Japan are also paying attention.

So, in the beginning, both pitchers and hitters can be very sensitive and complain. However, it will take at least two to three months of data before we can say whether it’s good or bad.

The best part is that the same zone applies to all pitches, so it can be systematically ‘tweaked’, which is why I’m more excited than concerned. Even if there are advantages and disadvantages, there are many voices that say that it should be fixed rather than abolished.

Lee In-bok of the Lotte Giants had a different opinion, 토토사이트 추천 even though his main weapon is a two-seam. In fact, he believes it favors pitchers who target the high zone.

“We haven’t had a lot of strikes in the high zone,” he said, “but when a changeup comes down from the high zone, hitters tend to think it’s higher than it actually is, and when it’s called a strike, I think they’re going to panic a lot. I think it’s going to make things more complicated for both pitchers and hitters.”

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