
Ko Woo-suk joins San Diego Spring Camp… “It feels real in Major League Baseball.”

Ko Woo-suk will board a flight to Seattle via Incheon International Airport on the afternoon of the 9th and join the spring camp in San Diego.

After the 2023 season, Ko was asked to check his status by the Major League Baseball. He signed a two-plus-one-year contract with the San Diego Padres on April 4 at 9.4 million U.S. dollars at the earliest. The contract deadline was 7 a.m. on April 4, and Ko confirmed his transfer by completing all coordination in about 24 hours including a medical examination and contract details after leaving the country on April 3.

Ko Woo-seok, who returned to Korea after completing the contract at the time, said, “I’m still puzzled. I was worried because there was not much time left before the contract, but I was more relieved than happy that the contract was signed seven minutes before the deadline.”

Ko Woo-suk, who will play for San Diego in earnest, joins the team and starts his first quenching. San Diego pitchers and catchers will start their official spring camp at Peoria Sports Complex in Arizona, the U.S. from the 12th. The official joint training session with Kim Ha-sung, now a teammate and key infielder of San Diego, is scheduled to take place on the 16th.

Ko Woo-suk, who is about to join the spring camp, said, “I was worried that I might not be able to leave the country by the start date due to the delay in issuing my visa, but fortunately, I am leaving the country on time because many people helped me. I realize that I am starting to challenge myself to the Major League now.”

“I continued my personal training at the Icheon 2nd tier training center while waiting for my visa to be issued due to consideration from the LG Twins. Many people helped me. I held an online meeting with San Diego manager Mike Shildt and exchanged opinions on the training,” he said.

“I’m a pitcher who just started my big league challenge. I know I’m not good enough. Now, rather than being conscious of competition for the position of a closer, I will focus on entering the opening roster and finishing the season in a healthy manner,” he said.

Lastly, regarding the existence of senior Kim Ha-sung, he said, “(Kim) Ha-sung said he was happy to play with him. I’m relieved to have someone in a strange league and team.”

The San Diego Padres will play the opening game of the Major League with the “Seoul Series” against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Prior to this, the team will play a practice game against the Korean national baseball team on March 17 and LG on March 18. Attention is focusing on whether Ko will be able to make his big league debut in Seoul.

BY: 토토사이트 추천

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