
Milton Allocates Gambling Funds to Local Groups

The Town of Milton has recently voted on how to spend a portion of its gambling revenue from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. In a recent meeting, the town council approved CA$362,564 in community grants which will be sent to 46 groups. The money will assist non-profit organizations that bolster access to artistic, cultural, and recreational programs.

The town launched the Milton Community Fund to oversee and deliver a percentage of the funds received from OLG in relation to Woodbine Mohawk Park to local organizations. Since the early 2000s, the fund has been able to provide more than CA$7.6 million for local groups, thus securing a better future for the province and its residents.

Some of the Recipients

As mentioned, the town council approved approximately CA$362k to be distributed to 46 local groups for 2023. Some of the recipients include United Way of Halton & Hamilton which will get CA$22,000 to assist with programming in the Milton community. Meanwhile, Stags Basketball Club will receive CA$12,938 for equipment and participation in a national coaching certification program.

Then, the St. John Ambulance – Oakville, Milton & Halton Hills will be assigned CA$12,027 of the funds to help pay for first aid kits and medical supplies, as well as volunteer recruitment costs, ambulance equipment and more. The Milton Youth Soccer Club gets CA$5,000 to assist with hosting the USA Cup qualifier, field costs, referee fees, transport for equipment, athletic therapists and food.

It was also reported that the Milton Santa Clause Parade Committee Inc. will be given CA$7,384 to fund approximately 75 vests for the safety marshals, float maintenance, and safety upgrades. Additionally, the Milton Players Theatre Group is on track to receive around CA$9,000 from the casino funding, which will be put into assisting the production costs.

Mayor Gord Krantz stated that the town is devoted to supporting local not-for-profit organizations that are dedicated to helping the community thrive and succeed. According to the town, there will be around CA$425,000 available for distribution via the Milton Community Fund in 2024. The application period will kick off in the spring of 2024.

Recognizing OLG and its Support

Via its gambling operations, OLG is able to support numerous communities across Ontario, and they are thankful for it. For instance, in 2023, the City of Greater Sudbury expressed its gratitude towards the Crown corporation at a cheque presentation event at Tom Davies Square. For the fiscal 2022-23, the city bagged almost CA$1.93 million for hosting Gateway Casinos Sudbury.

Previously, Ottawa hosted a special event in the Jim Durrell Recreation Centre to honour OLG for its continued support. Every year, the city bags more than CA$5.5 million for being a casino host community and the money goes to projects such as the rink renovations at the Jim Peplinski Arena. the city gains revenue for hosting Rideau Carleton Casino, Future Hard Rock.

BY: 바카라사이트

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