
Will KIA’s 32-Year-Old Submarine Help Lim Ki-young…Lost Three Years? Park’s ‘Jeon’ has been revived and only Park remains

Lim Ki-young, 31, said at the Kia Tigers’ Canberra spring camp in Australia in mid-February. “I watched my teammates throw bullpen games and found that many pitchers were in good condition,” he said, adding that Park Jun-pyo was also involved. In fact, Park neatly blocked one inning at the first external practice game of the spring camp against the KT Wiz held at Kin Stadium in Okinawa, Japan on Saturday.

Park Jun-pyo was a well-known submarine under former coach Matt Williams. He had five wins, two losses and 15 holds in 49 games in 2019 and seven wins, one loss, six saves and 11 holds in 50 games in 2020 with an ERA of 1.57. He pitched in the mid-140 kilometer range of pitch depth, and used curves and splitters effectively.

However, the team had a better performance than usual for the next three years. The famous “Park” Moon was the first to leave for another team. Jeon consistently played in the must-win pitching group, but there were times when he struggled due to minor injuries. In the second half of last year, Jeon displayed stellar performance, forming the must-win pitching group with Lim Ki-young and Choi Jimin.

Then how about Park Jun-pyo? He seemed to be in good condition just by watching the game against KT. According to the club, his pitching capacity reached up to 139 kilometers per hour. If he continues playing games, he can achieve faster speed. He is definitely helpful in terms of structure of the bullpen. He has the same right-handed sidearm as Lim Ki-young, but his main weapon is completely different.

Kia’s bullpen session is a sign of a good harvest. While Park Jun-pyo was slowing down, Choi grew up, and Lim Ki-young became the set-up man. If Park Jun-pyo recovers to the extent that he helps Lim this season, Lim will not have to play as many games and innings as he did last year.

In addition, Kia can become a submarine kingdom. Unlike other teams, Kia has left-handed submarines named Kim Dae-yu and Kwak Do-gyu. Not just one, but two each. Up to five submarines, including Lim Ki-young, Park Jun-pyo, and unusual rookie Kim Min-ju, can join the first team.

However, there is homework to adapt to the ABS that will be implemented from the opening game and the number of pitch clocks and check balls that will be implemented someday. Although it is commonly applied to all pitchers, the side arm is vulnerable to checking the runner due to the pitch mechanical characteristics.

Already, KIA has certain left and right setup men, Jeon Sang-hyun, Choi Jimin, and Lee Joon-young. If Park Jun-pyo survives, he can move to a must-win group for all members of the first team, which has virtually no catch-up group, like the LG Twins. It is difficult to change the number of setup men to two or three throughout the season in a long-term race. The bullpen is widely us

BY: 토토사이트 추천

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