
Forget about Tucson’s sharp wind now… Australian camp KIA, ‘blank’ in the best weather

Kia’s strategy coach Lee Hyun-gon, who is participating in training for the second day of the spring camp at MIT Ball Park in Bunda, a suburb of Canberra, Australia, on Tuesday (Korea time), expressed satisfaction.

Sunny weather without any clouds since morning. The sun was hot but the cool breeze made me feel cool. The sunshine got hotter as time passed, but I could feel cool when the wind blew. Australia, located in the southern hemisphere, is in the middle of January. However, due to dry weather in Canberra, inland from the southeastern coastal city, only the sun was hot and not at the level where people could feel the heat. They also said, “The weather is really nice” and “Perfect for exercise.”

KIA held its spring camp in Tucson, Arizona, the U.S. last year. As it was its first overseas camp since the era of With COVID-19, the team wanted to hold the camp under optimal conditions. As expected, the training conditions in the U.S., the home of baseball, were good. However, the weather was enviable. Due to unusually high temperatures, the Arctic cold wave hit not only California but also Nevada and Arizona. Temperatures in the morning dropped to single digits, and there were even days when it snowed. Strong winds blew in the middle of the day, which made it difficult for the team to engage in training. The 2023 WBC (World Baseball Classic) national team, which had its call-up training at the same venue, was also affected by such poor performance.

Ahead of this season, KIA changed its camp site to Australia, not the U.S. Some critics said that the training facilities are inferior to those of the U.S., but judged that Australia’s hottest summer weather is better for its physical fitness. Another merit was that Kia can utilize all of its stadiums and training facilities through cooperation with the Canberra Caballie of the Australian professional baseball league. It was proved that KIA made the right choice as it stopped training amid sunny weather. “Sunshine gets hot and quite hot in the middle of the day. However, it is the best condition to exercise because the wind is not cool and humid,” coach Lee Hyun-gon said.

KIA will hold its camp in Australia for a three-day training and one-day rest until May 20. While the fielder’s group has started batting training since the first day, the pitcher’s group plans to focus on boosting its sense by starting bullpen pitching from May 3.

BY: 온라인카지노사이트

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