
Samsung-Korea Gas Corporation is not at its peak, but…

Both Samsung in Seoul and Korea Gas Corporation in Daegu must play again.

Samsung had four wins and two losses in its first six matches in February 2024. It displayed outstanding performance up until right before the A-match break. It had one win and one loss even after the A-match break. It has maintained its momentum to some extent.

Korea Gas Corporation had seven wins and three losses in the fourth round of the 2023-2024 regular season. It threatened the playoffs. However, the recent trend was worse than the fourth round. He wants to display his best performance once again.

As time went by, KGC became more solid. However, KGC had many issues. In particular, it lacked substitutes for Andrew Nicholson (206 cm, F) and SJ Belangel (177 cm, G).

Kim Nak-hyun (184 centimeters, G) and Lee Dae-heon (196 centimeters, F) were largely out of injury. The two players were originally supposed to be reborn as Korea Gas Corporation’s one-two punch. However, Korea Gas Corporation’s performance was incomplete due to the absence of the two players.

However, Kim Nak-hyeon and Lee Dae-heon both exploded in their last showdown with Samsung. Kim Nak-hyeon had 18 points (three points: five/9) and three rebounds (offensive 1) and one steal in the 23rd minute, and Lee Dae-heon had 17 points and eight rebounds (offensive 6) and two assists and one steal in 36 minutes and 52 seconds.

At the same time, Andrew Nicholson (206 cm, F) showed off his original explosive power. 29 points, 10 rebounds, one assist, and one steal. Korea Gas Corporation then beat Samsung, which was on the rise. It won 85-79.

There is something in common between Samsung and Korea Gas Corporation. The two teams’ defensive energy levels and determination are higher than before. The basic minds and movements needed to win the match made the two teams rise.

However, the two teams have limited capacities. For starters, Samsung relies heavily on Lee Jung-hyun (189 centimeters, G) and Kofi Coburn (210 centimeters, C). When the two players are stuck, it is difficult for Samsung to find a clue in its offense. Acting Samsung coach Kim Hyo-bum may also be agonizing over this.

Korea Gas Corporation lost Andrew Nicholson (206 cm, F) due to injury. “I will think of Nicholson as my potential for the time being,” Korea Gas Corporation coach Kang Hyuk said. So other players at Korea Gas Corporation should gradually make up for Nicholson’s score. Easier said than done, it is not easy to put it into practice. That may be why Korea Gas Corporation coach Kang Hyuk has to worry a lot.

BY: 토토사이트 추천

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