
The dignity of a five-star hotel, a surprise coffee gift to the KT squad

KT Wiz is the only team that has spring camps in Korea. It visited Gijang during the 2021-2022 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the first season of its camp in Gijang, KT won its first unified championship. For KT, Gijang is a place full of good memories and memories.

The weather can be worse than overseas camps. However, domestic campsites certainly have advantages. KT, in particular, has been using “Ananti at Busan Cove,” a five-star hotel near Gijang-Hyundai Motor’s Dream Ball Park, since 2021. The accommodation is the part that the team is most satisfied with. The Gijang spring camp provides ample luxury and convenience, which cannot be enjoyed in overseas camps. This year’s Gijang spring camp was promoted thanks to the recommendation of the team, and accommodation was one of the main reasons. For hotels, they can generate profits by receiving professional baseball teams in winter, which is relatively off-season. Literally, it was a win-win relationship.

“Ananti at Busan Cove” sent a surprise gift to KT’s players on Wednesday. The company provided coffee catering service directly to Gijang-Hyundai Motor’s Dream Ball Park, where the team is conducting spring camp training. The company also provided drinks such as americano and latte, and desserts such as madeleine. It offered a total of 80 cups of coffee.

Captain Park Kyung-soo thanked the hotel on behalf of the team. “I didn’t know they would give me coffee like this. All the players were thankful for the coffee as a surprise,” Park said. “I’ve been using Ananti as my dorm for three years, and thank you so much for always being so kind and hosting such events. Thanks to this, I’m preparing for the season in a comfortable environment for the players.”

“We wanted to give KT Wiz a present with sincere heart, not business relationship. I hope the players will cheer up and prepare well for the season,” an Ananti source said.

Meanwhile, KT will hold its first spring camp in Gijang from Feb. 1 to Feb. 22. The camp will be held on a three-day, one-day rest schedule, and the team will strengthen teamwork through physical and tactical training.

Team Korea will move to Okinawa, Japan, on Sunday for the second camp after the first camp on Sunday. The team will play a warm-up match with KIA Tigers, Hanwha Eagles, and Lotte Giants to enhance sense of play in actual matches and return to Korea through Incheon International Airport on March 6.

BY: 안전 토토사이트

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