
Jeju Dream Tower Casino Reaches $18M In Jan

Casino sales at Jeju Dream Tower Resort reached 23.85 billion won in January, Lotte Tourism Development said in a Friday filing with the Korea Exchange. The January tally was up 267.3 percent year-on-year and 66.3 percent sequentially.

In December, casino sales fell sequentially in Jeju, a semi-autonomous province with a large number of foreigner-only casinos.

Lotte Tourism pointed out that casino sales are calculated as a net amount of fees paid to dealerships, which is somewhat different from industry sales data compiled by the Korea Casino Association.

Table game sales rose 70.8 percent in December to 22.76 billion won in January. The figure is up 293.2 percent from a year ago.

The tally of machine game sales in January came to nearly 1.1 billion won, up 7.5 percent from the previous month. The result was a 55.2 percent year-on-year increase.

Jeju Dream Tower’s January casino sales increased sequentially despite a drop in hotel sales during the period.

Hotel sales fell 26.2% sequentially in January, just shy of W5.15 billion. Sales are believed to have fallen 15.6% year-over-year.

Jeju Dream Tower’s annual casino sales rose 248.7% year-on-year to 152.3 billion won.

In November, Lotte Tour recorded a net profit of at least 300 million won in the three months to Sept. 30, the first quarterly group profit since the opening of Jeju’s Dream Tower in December 2020.

BY: 에볼루션 바카라사이트

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