
LeBron Absent-AD Injury Bad News LAL loses to MIN, frustrating 5th consecutive win

The Los Angeles Lakers lost 117-127 against the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2023-2024 NBA regular league at Cryptocom Arena in Los Angeles, California, on the 8th (Korea time).

LeBron James was absent, and Anthony Davis left the game due to injury. Rui Hachimura (30 points, six rebounds) and Spencer Dinwiddie (18 points, five rebounds and seven assists) showed their strength, but they were not enough. The Lakers (45-34) who failed to win five consecutive games maintained their ninth place in the Western Conference.

The Lakers took the lead early in the game. DeAngelo Russell and Hachimura put up layups, and Davis dunked. Anthony Edwards and Naz Reid lost points, but three-pointers by Hachimura, Oston Reeves and Dinwiddie split the rim. The Lakers led 37-33, with Jackson Haze and Cam Reddish also scoring.

However, at the end of the first quarter, the Lakers faced a major blow. Davis was hit in the face by defensive Kyle Anderson while trying to dunk. Davis hugged his eyes and complained of pain. He finished the first quarter but failed to return to the court afterwards.

As James was absent and Davis left, the Lakers collapsed in no time. Reed, Monte Morris, and Mike Conley fired outside shots in succession, instantly losing the mood. Dinwiddie and Hachimura successfully attacked, but Edwards and Jadon McDaniels lost points this time. The Lakers, who also gave points to Rudy Gobert and Nikale Alexander-Walker, finished the first half 64-79.

Even in the second half, the Lakers didn’t make much of a turnaround. They dedicated a number of runs to Minnesota, which had Reed, Edwards, and Alexander-Walker at the forefront. Hachimura was in charge of scoring runs both inside and outside, but he couldn’t do it alone. The game was decided early on by Minnesota, and the Lakers suffered a bitter loss at home.

Meanwhile, Reed (31 points, 11 rebounds) and Edwards (26 points, 8 assists) led Minnesota to victory. The victory brings the team to 54 wins and 24 losses overall this season.

BY: 안전 토토사이트

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