
Lee Seung-hyun, who grabbed the hamstring is playing in the 3rd round

The Busan KCC will hold the third round of the 2023-2024 professional basketball semifinal playoff against the Seoul SK Wyverns at Busan Sajik Gymnasium on the 8th. KCC, which won both the first and second games held in the enemy territory, will wrap up the series early in the event of victory and face the Wonju DB, which won the regular league title, in the semifinal.

Unlike SK, where Oh Jae-hyun is likely to miss due to a torn ankle ligament, KCC has no power leakage due to injury. Lee Seung-hyun had minor pain in his left hamstring at the end of Game 2, but there is no abnormality in playing Game 3.

Lee remained on the bench throughout the fourth quarter, but was told that he could play through a thorough examination on Wednesday. A KCC official said of Lee, “The hamstring fascia was damaged, but there is no problem in playing the game.”

Lee had 3.5 points, four rebounds, and 1.5 assists in 16 minutes and 14 seconds on average through the second leg of his team’s semifinal match. He started both games as starters, easing physical burden on Choi Joon-yong and Song Kyo-chang. He is an indispensable part of the playoff for KCC, which plays a key role in boosting the number of players available in the second half. Fortunately, Lee has a minor hamstring injury and plans to play in the third leg.

Meanwhile, KCC has reached the semifinals in seven of the 10 previous rounds. If they subdue SK, they will reach the semifinals in three seasons after the 2020-2021 season, when they won the regular league title.

BY: 토토사이트 순위

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