
The comeback of KB Insurance, Na Kyung-bok and Hwang Taek-ui which will form a new edition is coming!

For KB Insurance, the “Dodram 2023-2024 V League” was the worst season in the club’s history. It had only five wins, 31 losses and 21 points, and was disgraced as the lowest ranking (7th) for the first time in its history. The number of wins and points was also the lowest since its foundation.

Coach Hu In-jeong voluntarily resigned on February 14, taking responsibility for his poor performance, but he finished the season helplessly without finding any significant reversal factor even under the acting coach Kim Hak-min. KB Insurance, which finished second in the regular league and second in the championship game just two seasons ago, desperately needs to recover its honor in the next season.

KB Insurance has started a new chapter early on. Former Spanish men’s team coach Miguel Rivera was given the helm, and the team conducted its final training sessions from April 18 to 29. The team’s plan is to pave the way for a reversal by appointing the first foreign coach since its foundation.

Early next season, setter Hwang Taek-ui (28) and outside heater (left) Na Kyung-bok (30) will return from military service. Hwang Taek-ui, who is active in the military sports unit (Sangmu), and Na Kyung-bok, who is serving as a full-time reserve in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, were both stars representing the V-League before joining the army, which is expected to be a great help for Rivera.

Hwang Taek-ui will be discharged from the military on Nov. 7 and Na Kyung-bok on Oct. 23. Considering his physical condition and teamwork with teammates, chances are high that he will play on the court as soon as the second round begins. KB Insurance pays attention to management by checking Hwang Taek-ui and Na Kyung-bok’s physical condition periodically through a trainer. The key is the sense of play in the game. Unlike Hwang Taek-ui, who plays in Sangmu, Na Kyung-bok, who is serving as a full-time reserve, can only train after work. It is difficult to build a sense of play in the game.

“As (B) Kyungbok served as a full-time reserve, I focused more on weight training,” said an official from KB Insurance. “My left shoulder was not in good condition before joining the military, but I have recovered a lot now,” he said. “As he is a player who has good skills and has been proven in the league, I think he just needs to improve his physical condition. I expect him to contribute greatly to his performance in the next season.”

BY: 토토사이트

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