
The Korea Football Association will hold its fifth power enhancement committee on the 2nd

The Korea Football Association announced that it will hold the 5th Power Enhancement Committee briefing on April 2. The meeting will be held at 3 p.m. and will be held behind closed doors. After the meeting, Jeong Hae-sung, chairman of the Power Enhancement Committee, will give a briefing in the lobby on the first floor.

After Jurgen Klinsmann’s replacement, the Korea Football Association has also made changes to its power enhancement committee. Chung Hae-sung, the new chairman of the power enhancement committee, was appointed and had meetings with new members. “We will appoint an official coach and play an A-match in March,” he said at the first meeting, which caused confusion as names of incumbent K-League coaches were on the candidate list.

As a result, opinions were drawn on the appointment of interim coach for two A matches starting from the second meeting. Coach Hwang Seon-hong, who is preparing for the qualifying round for the Paris Olympics, became interim coach and played two matches against Thailand. The team tied in the first match, but won a landslide 3-0 victory in the second match. The team garnered a landslide victory for the first time in a long time, heightening the mood.

After successfully putting out the fire, Hwang will step down to advance to the finals of the Paris Olympics. Attention is now focused on the Power Enhancement Committee. As the upcoming A-match is set to be conducted officially by the coach, he will likely set candidates and set standards.

Currently, several coaches are being mentioned in the rumor. No coach is strongly connected to anyone. The Korea Football Association (KFA) is supposed to appoint a coach within a limited budget, but there are concerns that if all eyes are on the name value, it will only lead to a second cleanse. We need a clear standard. Although criticism against the KFA has subsided due to its landslide 3-0 victory against Thailand, if the same pattern is repeated over and over again, the situation will become even more uncontrollable.

BY: 스포츠토토

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