
Korea Ski Association Awards 20 Million Won To Lee Chae-Woon

Korea Ski Association Awards 20 Million Won to Lee Chae-woon, Two-Time Winner of Youth Olympic Games

Lee Chae-woon (Suri High School), a leading Korean snowboarder who won two gold medals at the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics (Gangwon 2024),

received a reward from the Korea Ski Association.

The Ski Association gave Chaewoon Lee a reward of 20 million won at the 2024 Skier’s Day event held at the Dragon Valley Hotel in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do on the 2nd.

Lee Chae-woon won the men’s snowboard halfpipe event held at the Welli Hilli Park Ski Resort in Hoengseong on the 1st, the last day of the Gangwon 2024 Games,

and won two gold medals following the slopestyle gold medal on the 25th of last month. 온라인카지노

Lee Chae-woon, who won the International Ski Federation (FIS) World Championships in March last year as the youngest person ever (16 years, 10 months),

is already considered a ‘world class’ halfpipe athlete, displayed superior skills in this competition where he competed with athletes of his age.

He won a gold medal.

He entered the Adult Winter Olympics as the youngest player on the Korean team at the 2022 Beijing Games,

has since continued his achievements, including winning the World Championships and winning two gold medals at this tournament,

also announced his prospects for a medal at the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo.

Lee Chae-woon, who was planning to participate in the Gangwon 2024 Big Air event held between slopestyle and halfpipe but missed out on the ‘Triple Gold Medal’ due to an ankle injury suffered during training, plans to focus on recovering from his injury for the time being.

In celebration of Gangwon 2024, the Ski Association established new reward regulations such as 10 million won for gold medals and 7 million won for silver medals at the Youth Olympic Games,

and paid rewards to medalists, including Lee Chae-woon, accordingly.

A total of 13.5 million won was given to Lee Yun-seung (Songgok High School),

who won the men’s individual gold medal and the mixed team silver medal in the freestyle ski dual mogul competition, and 3.5 million won to Yoon Shin-i (Bongpyeong High School),

who won the mixed team silver medal.

Meanwhile, in addition to ski industry officials, Gangwon Province Governor Kim Jin-tae and International Olympic Committee (IOC) member Yoo Seung-min also attended the event and congratulated the achievements of Korean skiing and snowboarding at this event.

The Ski Association also presented recognition plaques to last season’s sponsors, Nexen, High1, and Vert.

The association also said, “The skiers who attended the event on this day spoke with one voice,

asking the government to make the right decision so that the Jeongseon Alpine Center can be used as a national training ground.”

The Jeongseon Alpine Center was built on the premise of restoration after the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics were held,

but ski associations and others are suggesting that it is reasonable to install a national training center at the lower ski resort facility,

which has low ecological preservation value.

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