
‘Changwon-bound’ veteran forward Choi Jin-soo “without a doubt”

Choi Jin-soo is ready to wear a Changwon LG jersey.

Changwon LG and Ulsan Hyundai Mobis announced on Wednesday that they have agreed to a trade for Choi Jin-soo (202 cm, F) and Lee Seung-woo (193 cm, F).

Choi, who was drafted by the Goyang Orion with the third overall pick in the 2011 Korean Rookie Draft, averaged 9.0 points, 3.5 rebounds, 1.3 assists and 0.8 steals in 24.5 minutes per game in 메이저 토토사이트 496 career games.

His career highs were 14.4 points, 4.8 rebounds, 1.2 assists, and 1.1 steals in 31 minutes and 34 seconds in 54 games in his rookie season, and 13.6 points, 5.3 rebounds, 1.9 assists, and 1.0 steals in 30 minutes and 28 seconds in 51 games in 2018-19.

In the 2023-2024 season, Choi averaged 4.0 points, 1.8 rebounds, 1.1 assists, and 0.6 steals in 13 minutes and 59 seconds in 41 regular-season games, but he was immediately recognized as a powerhouse and the trade was finalized.

In a phone interview, Choi said, “I’m happy to join LG. I knew coach Cho Sang-hyun, Lim Jae-hyun, and Park Yoo-jin, and they were all very good to me. I’m excited to see them again. LG is a popular club, so I have high expectations,” he said of his move.

He added, “They’ve been with me since I was a rookie, and they’ve been giving me a lot of advice and helping me. They still do now, but they taught me a lot when I was still lacking in basketball. In their memories, I think I’m still a little bit of a wimp (laughs). I’ll be more mature than I was then, and it will be an opportunity to learn even more,” he said, welcoming the reunion with his coach.

Choi Jin-soo is not the only leader to be reunited. LG also signed Heo Il-young from the free agency market to fill the void left by Yang Hong-seok and Jung Hee-jae.

Choi Jin-soo said, “I’m happy to see (Heo) Il-young again. I’m looking forward to working with all the players. The older players are doing well, and the younger players are doing well on their own,” Choi said, expressing his expectations for his teammates.

When asked about his recent health, he said, “I’m not particularly ill, and I’ve been taking care of my five-year-old. When he’s not at daycare, I’m working out,” Choi said. When asked about his goals, he didn’t hesitate to answer.

“Since I joined Hyundai Mobis as a free agent, I don’t think the image that fans remember will be that good. It was a poor season, and I feel very sorry for that. My goal is to show LG fans that I can do better. Without a doubt, it’s a player’s attitude to look up. I will do everything in my power to help LG do better than last season,” he said.

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