
The Hanwha Eagles have a new manager and a new foreign pitcher ready to go.

The Hanwha Eagles have a new manager and a new foreign pitcher ready to go.

Jaime Barria (28, Hanwha Eagles) pitched out of the bullpen at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on Feb. 2. It was his first bullpen appearance in South Korea.

Hanwha released Felix Peña on March 27 and announced the signing of Barria as its newest foreign player two days later.

Peña, who spent three seasons with the organization, was good enough to win 11 games last year, but has struggled this year, going 3-5 with a 6.27 ERA in nine starts.

Barria made his major league debut with the Los Angeles Angels in 2018 and has appeared in 134 games (62 starts) over six seasons, 토토사이트 throwing 462⅔ innings with a 22-32 record, 4.38 ERA, and 351 strikeouts.

At the time of his signing,

Hanwha described him as “a pitcher with a soft, balanced delivery, with a fastball that produces a high batting average, as well as excellent command of his changeup. In particular, he is expected to fill the gap in the starting rotation as he has full-time major league starting experience after starting every game in 2018.”

Barria joined the team on the evening of March 31 and threw 37 pitches in two days to test his conditioning. He mixed his fastball with a slider-sinker-changeup. “I was throwing about 70 to 80 percent,” he said.

The evaluation was favorable. Pitching coach Park Seung-min said, “He didn’t have his best bullpen outing today, but overall, I felt he was well prepared. His fastball had good command, and his slider was good enough to see why it was ranked so high in the U.S.,” Park said.

There was one other weapon that stood out. “The changeup looked like it could be a little bit more in our league,” Park said.

Barria was also pleased. “I was very happy with the bullpen,” he said. It was my first bullpen pitch, so I tried to adjust to the mound and the ball,” he said.

Barria is scheduled to start against the Suwon KT Wiz on May 5. He is expected to throw around 60 to 65 pitches. Second game for ‘Kim Kyung-moon-ho’. Hanwha, 안전 토토사이트 which recently parted ways with manager Choi Won-ho, announced a three-year, 2 billion won contract with Kim Kyung-moon on Feb. 2.

“I will prepare well and give 100 percent until my first pitch on Wednesday,” Barria said.

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