
Will Park Byung-ho explode at SSG Landers Field in Incheon?

After hitting three home runs in five games since joining the Samsung Lions, will the Korean Baseball Organization’s “national slugger” Park Byung-ho explode at SSG Landers Field in Incheon?

Park, who was acquired in a one-for-one trade for Oh Jae-il (KT Wiz), has exploded onto the scene since his arrival. In five games, he is batting .365 with three home runs, eight RBIs, four runs scored, and an OPS of 1.365 (7-for-18). Even within the club, expectations have been exceeded.

Park hit a massive 120-meter home run off Kiwoom starter Enmanuel De Jesus with the bases loaded in the bottom of the fourth inning against Daegu Kiwoom on March 29, trailing 1-8. On a 2B-1S pitch count, he pulled a four-pitch slider (132 mph) over the left-field fence. 카지노사이트 It was his first home run in 21 days, since August 8 against Suwon NC.

Park faced Hanwha left-hander Kim Bum-soo with runners on second and third in the sixth inning of a 5-5 tie at home against Hanwha on May 31. On a 3B-2S pitch count, Park pulled a six-pitch fastball (146 mph) over the left-field wall for a 135-meter three-run arch. Manager Park Jin-man described Park’s home run as “goosebumps”.

He struck again against Hanwha on April 1.

Byung-ho Park led off the first inning with a walk to Kim Ji-chan and a single to left-center by David McKinnon. Facing Hanwha starter Cho Dong-wook on a 0B-1S pitch count, Park pulled a two-seam fastball (140 kilometers) over the left-field fence. It traveled 110 meters. The home fans cheered and the away fans sighed when Park Byung-ho hit the ball.

In the eighth inning of a 0-0 tie against Hanwha in Daegu on Feb. 2, 바카라사이트 순위 Park smashed a two-out, bases-loaded double to right-center field to give Samsung a 1-0 victory.

“I think the good results come from the change of environment more than the good hitting,” said Park, who has been showing off his fire bat since changing into a Samsung uniform. “The coaching staff and players are making it easy for me to play baseball. I think those things help,” he said.

SBS commentator Lee Soon-cheol said on his YouTube channel ‘off the baseball’,

“Park Byung-ho is doing well after transferring to Samsung, hitting three home runs and the game-winning hit. As a former home run king and MVP, he is adapting to the team quickly. Samsung fans are in a frenzy. Samsung’s batting lineup has been dominated by lefties. With the addition of right-handed slugger Park Byung-ho, the lineup is now complete.”

“It’s similar to when Park Byung-ho moved from LG to Nexen. As the balls that would have been caught in Jamsil Stadium went over in Mokdong Stadium, he gained confidence and became the home run king. Baseball is a very psychological game. Once you get a feel for it, it sticks with you. If it’s anything like last week’s performance, it’s going to strike fear into the opposing team.”

Samsung will begin a three-game midweek series against the SSG Landers at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on April 4. Landers Field is also considered one of the most hitter-friendly stadiums in the country. 파워볼실시간 Park has appeared in 86 games at SSG Landers Field in Incheon since 2007, batting .273 (80-for-273) with 26 home runs and 70 RBIs.

Fans are looking forward to seeing whether Park will be able to produce home runs after his blue blood transfusion.

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