
With her 87th triumph, Mikaela Shiffrin breaks a World Cup alpine skiing record.

With her 87th career victory on Saturday, American skier Mikaela Shiffrin broke the all-time World Cup victory record. On the all-time list of male and female winners, Shiffrin overcame a tie with Ingemar Stenmark. The 1970s and 1980s saw the Swedish competitor.

Shiffrin achieved the historic victory on Saturday with a fantastic slalom run. She finished first, about a full second ahead of Wendy Holdener, who came in second with a time of 1:44.77.

The American squatted and put her head on her knees after finishing the last run. During the winners ceremony, her brother, Taylor Shiffrin, then appeared and gave her a bear hug.

“Pretty hard to comprehend,” Shiffrin said in her post-race interview. “My brother and sister-in-law are here. I didn’t know they were coming so that makes it so special.”

After the race, Shiffrin’s family flew into Sweden to surprise her. When asked about breaking the World Cup record, Shiffrin stated she would most cherish 카지노사이트 the time spent with her family.

Shiffrin won by 92 hundredths of a second over Wendy Holdener of Switzerland. She celebrated with deep breaths and crouched with her head to her knees. Moments later, Sweden’s third-place finisher Anna Swenn Larsson offered her congratulations.

“The best feeling is to ski on the second run when of course you want to win, you have a lead so you have to be sort of be smart but also, I just wanted to be fast, too, and ski the second run like its own race,” Shiffrin said.

Twelve years to the day after her first World Cup race, a GS in Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic, as a 15-year-old, Shiffrin’s triumph handed her the undisputed record.

Åre has delivered a lot of Shiffrin history. It is where she won her first World Cup in December of 2012, it is where she locked up her second GS season title and it is where she matched Ingemar Stenmark for most World Cup victories. Åre is also where Shiffrin exceeded her shared record to stand alone as the winningest World Cup skier in history.

Less than a month had passed since Mike Day, Shiffrin’s head coach, had departed the team during the second week of the world championships in France. Shiffrin’s accomplishments, however, have not been impacted by Day’s departure; she went on to win GS gold and slalom silver at the world championships, sealed her overall World Cup title at speed races in Norway last weekend, and celebrated back-to-back victories in Sweden to become the most successful ski racer in the World Cup’s 56-year history.

Shiffrin also has 20 victories in the GS, which is a women’s record, along with five in the super-G, five in the parallel, three in the downhill, and one in the combined.

The World Cup Finals, which will take place in Soldeu, Andorra, the following week, will feature three additional races for Shiffrin this year. Although 토토 she had intended to forego the downhill on Wednesday, she will compete in the super-G the next day as well as the slalom and GS events during the weekend.

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