
Hyeon-Jong Yang Overcomes ‘Koo Ja-Wook Beauty’ and Secures Victory in Starter Showdown Against Park Se-Woong

When Dream Team’s leadoff batter, Koo Ja-wook 구자욱 (Samsung Lions), stepped up to the plate in the first inning, everyone was shocked. With long hair wig and full makeup, Koo Ja-wook tried to disrupt the opposing pitcher’s focus.

However, it was the ‘veteran’ Yang Hyeon-jong 양현종, making his fifth All-Star appearance, who responded with a smile, showcasing his skill to handle the batter. Yang Hyeon-jong took the mound as the starting pitcher for the Sharing Team in the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO All-Star Game held at Sajik Baseball Stadium in Busan on the 15th, and he cleanly held off the batters with six pitches in one inning.

Just two days ago, in the final game of the first half against Samsung Lions, Yang Hyeon-jong pitched with minimal effort to fulfill his duty.

After brushing the ball thrown by Yang Hyeon-jong, Koo Ja-wook hit a pop fly towards the catcher Park Dong-won (LG Twins) and desperately called him “Oppa, Oppa,” but Park Dong-won was not moved and made the out count without any mercy.

Even the second batter, Jose Pirela (Samsung), who appeared in a ‘daughter cosplay,’ was handled by Yang Hyeon-jong with a foul fly on his first pitch. He then managed to get Yang Eui-ji, the third batter, to hit an infield pop fly.

On the other hand, Dream Team’s starting pitcher Park Se-woong 박세웅 (Lotte Giants) struggled against the batters in his first All-Star starting appearance.

Having faced 19 rain cancellations on his scheduled start day, Park Se-woong was nicknamed ‘Rain Se-woong.’ He appeared on the mound wearing a raincoat and using an umbrella.

He managed to handle the first batter, Kim Hye-seong (Kiwoom Heroes), with an infield groundout. However, he gave up a single to Lee Jung-hoo (Kiwoom) and a double to Choi Eun-seong (Hanwha Eagles), allowing them to score a run.

To his senior player, Choi Hyung-woo (KIA Tigers), Park Se-woong threw a ball towards his back, resulting in a hit-by-pitch, and then surrendered a 3-run home run to Sokratis Brito (KIA), who appeared with a trumpet in hand, following his own cheering song.

After giving up a hit to Park Geon-woo (NC Dinos) as well, Park Se-woong finally managed to get Park Dong-won out, ending a long first inning with 4 hits and 4 earned runs. 먹튀검증

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