
The Story of Appearing As a 10% batter Substitute Except for 30% Batter.

LG, which had always maintained its lead, recorded four consecutive losses from the end of the first half to the beginning of the second half. 스포츠토토 In the game, the team was dragged 1-3 by the end of the seventh inning, and was on the verge of losing five games.

However, LG tied the score 3-3 in the bottom of the eighth inning with Park Hae-min and Shin Min-jae’s consecutive walks and Hong Chang-ki’s two-run double. The possibility of reversal was also high because it led to the second, third, and fourth batting order with no outs. He took the opportunity to escape from the fifth consecutive loss.

Head coach Yeom Kyung-yeop excluded Moon Sung-joo, the second batter, and put in Heo Do-hwan, the pinch hitter. Moon Sung-joo’s batting average this season was 0.311 while Heo Do-hwan was 0.133. In particular, Moon Sung-joo was a left-handed hitter who produced a lot of ground balls, so he had a high probability of advancing. In terms of hitting, it was a difficult operation to understand easily.

The secret was the ‘probability of success in sacrifice bunt’. Moon Sung-joo attempted a total of 11 sacrifice buns this season and succeeded only three times. It’s a 27 per cent chance. Heo Do-hwan has succeeded once this season, and there is no failure. In the 2021 season, the probability of bunt success (90.5%) is high enough to record 10 successes and 1 failure. Director Yeom Kyung-yeop envisioned Heo Do-hwan’s bunt rather than Moon Sung-joo’s hit.

Heo Do-hwan calmly succeeded in a sacrifice bunt as expected by head coach Yeom Kyung-yeop, making a third base with one out. Until this time, Yeom Kyung-yeop’s mercenary tactics seemed to be accurate. But the centerline betrayed. Kim Hyun-soo stepped down with a foul fly to third base, and Austin Dean also hit a fly ball to right field with two outs and third base. In the end, LG lost 3-4 after a neck-and-neck race in extra time.

Manager Yeom Kyung-yeop, who threw a winning move by excluding “300 batters” and putting in “10% batters.” The bunt succeeded, but LG failed to ‘squeeze out one point’ in the end. Coach Yeom Kyung-yeop failed to laugh despite his mercenary tactics.

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