
Dawn Women’s Handball wins, Korea’s brave team praised

Dawn Women’s Handball returns with 2 wins, Signell says “Korea is a brave team”

The women’s handball team, which is attempting to qualify for its 11th consecutive Olympic Games, has turned the corner with wins in two of its four Asian qualifying matches.

Coached by Sweden’s Henrik Signell, the team thrashed India 53-14 on Sunday, followed by a 33-20 victory over China on Monday. The team’s remaining matches are against Kazakhstan tomorrow (Nov. 21) and Korea on Nov. 23.

“We’ve played two games so far, and of course we can’t be 100% satisfied, but I’m happy with the overall performance,” said Signell, who led the team’s training at Hiroshima Sanyo High School today. We’re halfway through, so we’ll do our best in the remaining two matches.”

Only the top-ranked team in the Asian qualifier will go directly to Paris. With Korea and Japan as the two favorites, the most important matchup for qualification is the Korea-Japan match.

Japan’s recent surge in form has made them no pushovers. The team defeated Japan 34-29 in overtime at the Asian Championships last December under Kim Rasmussen (DEN).

Signell praised Japan’s progress, but remained confident. “It’s true that Japan is a good team and they are improving. But if we do what we do well, we can win,” he said.

“They are a fast-paced team, so we are preparing a game plan that emphasizes quick defensive transitions.”

The key to the match will be the availability of national team ace Ryu Eunhee (Gyorgyi, Hungary). She hasn’t played yet in the tournament, but Signell said she is checking her physical condition every day.

Signell has been working hard to combine his European handball experience with the advantages of Korean handball. Throughout the training sessions, he was particularly visible as he coached the players down to the smallest detail.

“The European players are big and strong, but the Korean players are fast and smart,” says Signell. “The thing that surprised me the most when I came to the national team is how brave they are. They also play well as a team, so I appreciate those qualities.”

As for tomorrow’s match against Kazakhstan, he is confident: 카지노사이트넷 “Kazakhstan is also a good team, but I don’t think it will be a difficult match if we can utilize our speed and attack well.”

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