
New York Senate Leader Backs Empire City Casino

State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cosines, along with the most recent verdict, expressed a preference for which property in New York State should receive one of the three fully commercial casino licenses. 온라인카지노 The Senate floor leader has expressed support for MGM Resorts International’s Empire City Casino getting one of its licenses because it could work well if it expands into a full-fledged casino.

Although there is currently a moratorium on commercial downstate casino permits until 2023, Gov. Cathy Hochul has proposed accelerating the process of distributing the three casino permits available. The New York State Game Commission earlier said there was much interest in the three permits, meaning the property could face strong opposition.

At a press briefing on Tuesday, Stewart-Cousins said he would naturally support his hometown casinos, which have already proven valuable to the local economy. She also said she supports Governor Hochul’s proposal to accelerate the process of awarding Downstate Casino licenses to three locations in New York City or surrounding suburbs.

The MGM Resorts International property officially opened for customers in October 2006, but with no live table games and only slots and electronic games, it is not a full-fledged casino, and with Resorts World New York City, it is one of the most popular casinos to apply for these licenses.

Executives at Resorts World New York City, run by Genting Malaysia, previously said they were very lucky to have received incredible support from the local Queens community for 10 years. The company said it shares the community’s excitement over its potential expansion to a full casino and the positive benefits it will have for the region.

According to the company, some Queens lawmakers who expressed support for the property’s full-scale launch also sent letters of support to Congressional chair Adrienne Adams, Joe Addabbo Jr. and Leroy Comrie, MP Stacey Pepper Amato. Queens Chamber of Commerce, Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, Jamaica NAACP, and Queen’s Black Man.

Gary Pretlow, chairman of the state’s gaming and gambling committee, who earlier said accelerating downstate casino permits was one of the major priorities, also named Resort World New York City and Empire State Casino as the most suitable and likely candidates for commercial permits.

Late last year, the New York State Game Commission reported the results of a request for information on the Downstate license, which, according to regulators, collected more than 30 responses, including applications from at least eight casino operators interested in running the Downstate Casino in New York.

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