
New York Senate Pledges To Expand iGaming

Despite the most recent introduction of the fast track of Downstate Casino licenses, New York State lawmakers are working hard to expand the state’s gaming sector. 파친코 This week, the New York Senate began its post-budget legislative session and notified it was committed to financing legislation to expand Empire State’s regulatory gambling sector.

In early April, local council members approved the final budget for the new fiscal year, and the new plan included expanding land-based casinos by accelerating the issuance of downstate casino licenses. However, the long-awaited increase in mobile sports betting operators has been left out of the budget, and lawmakers are now working to boost it.

In addition to increasing the number of mobile sports betting apps in the state and introducing online games as a legitimate option, Senator Joe Adabo would like to see verticals included in mobile sports books before the end of the current congressional session ending June 2, 2022.

Mr. Adabo has decided to include online casino gambling as a top priority for the fiscal year 2023-2024. Discussions on this issue are expected to begin in December. He said he and other lawmakers are now laying the groundwork for him to have something vertical in next year’s budget.

Bill S8471 to attract more online sports betting operators and Bill S8412 to decriminalize iGaming in the state passed the Racing, Gaming and Waging Committee. But state casinos have expressed concern that a potential cannibalization could occur if online casino games in the state are limited to full licensees. However, Mr Addabbo affirms that this is not the intention and is the subject of further discussion.

The senator also proposed introducing self-service kiosks at stadiums, stadiums and racetracks across the state. In other words, the bill will be promoted in this session without waiting for next year. He said the bill would be a heavy increase, but lawmakers would certainly discuss whether to add or remove them.

Empire State lawmakers have decided to introduce an acceleration of the long-discussed Downstate casino license on the current budget. Currently, it holds three full casino commercial licenses. Companies seeking to acquire one must apply to the New York State Gaming Board. Approximately $500 million in licensing fees will be required if approved by regulators.

Many legislators are lobbying New York City to have the three licenses because the Empire City Casino and Resort World NYC in Yonkers are popular. But recently, Manhattan lawmaker Richard Gottfried said he didn’t want to see gaming facilities in the borough. He doesn’t exactly like this idea because it can have a negative impact on the region.

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